First Year Loeb Seminar: Finding Your Foundation
Get To Know Each Other What makes you happiest? What are you doing when you feel most like yourself? What would you do if you knew you could not fail? What did you spend your time doing as a child? Do you still enjoy it?
Community Rules Use “I” statements when sharing your reflections with the group People are sharing their truths and lived experiences. This is a space to listen and learn, not challenge. Maintain confidentiality
Skills Card Sort ACTIVITY: 1. Create a column with the five cards that categorize how much you enjoy using a skill, with “Totally Delight In Using” at the top and “Strongly Dislike Using” at the bottom. 3. Create a row above the columns with the three cards categorizing your skill experience level, with “Highly Proficient” on the left and “Lack Desired Skill” on the right. 2. Sort the skills cards into five piles based on how much you enjoy using each of them in your work or day-to-day life. 4. Create a grid by sorting each of your five skills card piles into a row that cross-references how experienced you are with how much you enjoy using that skill. ACTIVITY:
Reflect on Your Skills Which skills are you highly proficient in that you “like,” “enjoy,” or “delight” in using? These are your “motivated” skills- ones that will keep you energized if you use them in your work. Record these skills in your booklet. Which skills are you highly proficient with, but “strongly dislike” using? These are your “burnout” skills- ones that you’re good at, but that can drain you if you use them too much in your work. Record these skills in your booklet. Which skills would you “like,” “enjoy,” or “delight” in using, but currently lack your desired skill level? These are the skills you want to find ways to explore and develop. Record these skills in your booklet. Do exercise individually, write answers to questions in booklet. Definition of burnout/motivated skills in booklet. Short larger group reflection/discussion.
What Are Your Core Values? ACTIVITY: 1) Rank the five values that are most important to you. 2) Mark an “X” next to the five values that are least important to you.
Share About Your Values How was the process of rating your values? Was it easy? Difficult? What are some of your top values? Were you surprised by any of them? Have your values changed throughout your lifetime? How do you imagine your top values impacting or shaping your life/career? 2 groups
Exploring Family and Cultural Influences Do any family members want you to pursue (or not pursue) a specific career? Are you interested in pursuing this career? Did your family members or close friends/mentors choose their careers or jobs or did external circumstances affect their choices? What messages about work or careers have you received from your family, home communities, identity groups (gender, race, etc.), or institutions around you? How have these messages influenced your thoughts about career choices? How important to you are the desires and opinions of others in your life as you make career decisions? Are you comfortable with their level of influence? Small groups of 3 self facilitated, larger group debrief/share out
Think About Building Your Experience Base Types of Summer Opportunities: Internship Research Summer abroad Full- or part-time job Volunteering Job Shadowing Learn more at our Spring semester First Year Loeb Seminar: Making Mammoth Plans.
Next Steps Forward Continue the assessment process Make an appointment with Kali Odell or Laura Litwiller Meet with your Peer Career Advisor (PCA) Talk about starting your resume Learn how to explore possible career paths Brainstorm summer plans Discover resources for finding internships and summer opportunities Learn about Quest Learn about upcoming Loeb Center events Make an appointment with an advisor Find jobs and internships End on talking about Quest?