Literary and Rhetorical Devices
What are they? Literary and Rhetorical Devices are used to add depth, meaning, and individuality to writing. Literary devices tend to deal more with structure and the text as a whole, while rhetorical devices deal more with language. Sometimes, they are used to create a specific image, emotion, or garner a specific reaction from a reader
Allusion Referencing something without specifically naming or talking about it. Example: Really cheesey television is my Achille’s heel.
Anaphora The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of concurrent sentences or clauses. Example: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
Parallelism When the structure of something is repeated, not necessarily at the beginning. Example: This puppy ran right into my house, my living room, and my heart.
Analogy (metaphor and simile) Analogy is the umbrella term for language that compares two unlike things. Metaphor: a comparison based in assumption Simile: a comparison made with “like” or “as” Examples: My cat is a pompous king, sitting on his kitty throne. My cat is like a pompous king, sitting on the cat condo like a throne.
Hyperbole The exaggeration of a thing to unbelievable extreme Example: I’m so tired I could sleep for a thousand years.
Personification / Anthropomorphism Personification: giving humanlike qualities to things that aren’t human Anthropomorphism: giving lifelike qualities to things that aren’t alive Examples: The mountains sing when the sun hits them just right. The breathing of the forest was steady, and eternal inhale-exhale of the trees.
Rhetorical Questions Questions that don’t have answers, and don’t expect an answer Example: Everyone is just trying to catch the train, but sometimes people get really aggressive about pushing onto the train. Where do you expect me to go when I’m already sandwiched between three strangers and a rail?
Diction Word choice, often relying on the connotation and/or denotation of a word Connotation: the associations and connections people make with words Denotation: the definition of a word Example: Her hair was fine and light, so much so that you could see the freckles on her scalp. Her hair was thin and pale, so much so that you could see the freckles on her scalp.
Oxymoron The use of contradictory words or ideas next to each other to describe a thing. Example: Tony Stark is a stupid genius.
Irony The reversal of expectation and result Example: Dramatic: when the audience is aware of the truth but the characters are not Verbal: when one thing is said but another is meant Example: Oh yes, I’d love to wait on hold for another two hours.
Tone The atmosphere or feeling of the text. The emotion or characteristic of the text.
Antonomasia Using a descriptive phrase instead of a proper noun Example: Look at Mr. My-Knees-Are-Magnetic-Opposites over there, taking up three different seats.