Performance Profile Assessment Creating your analysis pack
Aims for today.. To begin conducting your psychological profile of your athlete To identify the discrepancies for each key performance factors (psychological, physical and technical and tactical) of your athlete
Psychological - Pre-Competition Questionnaire Using the anxiety questionnaire from last week to help you, create a 20 question pre-competition questionnaire for your athlete to complete before a major competition The questions must be aimed at giving you (coach) a good idea of the psychological status of your athlete pre competition i.e. do you sleep well before a major competition/game, can you eat prior to a major competition etc. Create a 1st draft for me to look at first then create a professional questionnaire on the computer. Give to your athlete.
Create a discrepancy table.. Create a discrepancy table on the computer to identify weaknesses/strengths in all 3 of the key performance indicators (psychological, technical and tactical, physical) Get your athlete to fill it in This will help your identifying what you want to analyse etc.
Construct Perceived Importance (I) Ideal Self Assessment (ISA) Subject Self Assessment (SSA) (ISA-SSA) Discrepancy Score (ISA-SSA) x I
Sequential data system – technical & tactical Create a scaled pitch/court Once you’ve identified your athletes weakness from the discrepancy table for the technical and tactical element, create a key to analyse the identified weakness to go with your heat map i.e. passing and formation, tackling and marking You also need to create a notational analysis/frequency table for when you record live data You must analyse a technical and tactical KPI
Physical Choose 3 fitness tests on what to analyse your athlete on They must be relevant to their sport In the analysis pack that you’re creating, you must state the protocol for each one and find normative data for them Make sure you have a table to write down the results found