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Research Eye of Horus Horus was the ancient Egyptian sky God
The ancient Egyptians had many different beliefs about the god Horus The ancient Egyptians had many different beliefs about the god Horus. One of the most common beliefs was that Horus was the son of Isis and Osiris.the eye of Horus was often used to symbolise sacrifice, healing, restoration, and protection
Symbols Crux ansataa tau cross with a loop on top symbolizing eternal life.It is a symbol found widely in Egyptian art, where gods and goddesses are shown clutching the ankh, the key to the afterlife and immortality. This symbol was also known as the Key of the Nile, which provided water for Egypt to survive, reinforcing the image of fertility and reproduction. It symbolises the ability for life to evolve and be successful, and reminds us that life on earth is simply one aspect of creation, and that we are all eternal beings.
Chinese Symbols chinese symbol for strength
Chinese symbol for luck
Chinese symbol for hope