Technical Coordination and Integration Issues


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Presentation transcript:

Technical Coordination and Integration Issues A revised structure of CMS Technical Coordination is now being implemented following CMS closure for CRAFT. Detail are still under discussion and re-organization of CERN might require adaption Personnel and resources will be grouped in sections corresponding broadly to areas of expertise: Central Coordination and Integration Infrastructure and Common Systems Engineering and Electronics Detector and monitoring subsystems 4 projects draw on the sections: Safety Operation Maintenance Upgrade A balance between upgrade and M & O activities will be established for (nearly) every individual.

Technical Coordination and Integration Issues CMS Upgrade Workshop Fermilab, Nov 19-21, 2008 W. Zeuner DESY & CERN Issues for Muon Detector upgrade are very similar to all other systems For coherence the following is almost identical with A. Balls talk at the CMS electronic days in October Muon systems might have the option of an “adiabatic” upgrade spread over several shutdowns Special chances and risks to be analyzed in detail If chosen it requires special attention to make sure the overall performance of CMS is guaranteed after every single step.

TC Organization – DRAFT by A. Ball Technical Coordination Operation, Maintenance,Completion and Upgrade Technical Coordination A.Ball, C.Schaefer, M.Gastal, W.Zeuner Run Coordination T. Camporesi, D. Acosta Upgrade Coordinator J. Nash Infrastructure & common systems B. Cure N. Bacchetta A. Gaddi, P5 expt area M.Gastal S. Rew Engineering & Electronics H.Gerwig, M.Hansen Technical teams Coord M. Gastal P.Petiot PH-CMS J. Baechler Eng & Elec Integration G.Faber M.Hansen Detector Subsystems D. Abbaneo, K.Gill W.Zeuner P5 Run Management P. Siegrist PH-DT groups & facilities non PH support groups & facilities FSU Infra Task Groups Subdetector Field Technical Coordinators TC office & Admin Support D. Hudson TK N. Bacchetta DT A. Benvenuti Contractors Meetings &/WG’s: (Run Meeting) TCP5 TCM, (Commiss Meet) TECOPA, TIG MIG, ESSC, WoGEI Projects: ECAL incl ES K. Bell, W.Funk CSC A. Lanaro Safety Operation Maintenance Upgrade RPC A. Colaleo Alignment T. Rodrigo HCAL P. de Barbaro

Technical Coordination and Integration Issues There will be no dedicated upgrade team. Integration of upgrade activities will be assured by Wolfram Zeuner as DTC All interventions on the detector (for maintenance or upgrade) will continue to be coordinated through the subsystem field technical coordinators For upgrades, essential features from TC perspective are: -An equivalent of the common fund to support central activities for upgrade (perhaps % tax on upgrade contributions). This, combined with M & O funds, supports: -Safety team available to assist subsystems and provide oversight -Engineering and technical teams for infrastructure and common systems, and for mechanical and electronic design, able to assist subsystems as necessary -Detector team with expertise and common resources available to subsystems -Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Integration Team. (A close(r) link between engineering and electrical/electronic integration must be maintained from the outset to avoid the problems encountered in 2005-7).

Technical Coordination and Integration Issues Essentials: (continued) -Planning and logistics teams (PH?) to integrate modifications to CMS into the overall plans for routine or extraordinary access periods (includes full ALARA dose planning) - Mandate of Technical Coordination to assure safe design and fitness for purpose of upgrades, including coherence with existing detector and infrastructure. (- working groups, experts to define and enforce rules & procedures eg materials, rad tol tests etc) (- provision of common facilities and identification/coordination of common programmes) - Recognised review process, including external referees, based on that successfully applied to CMS as now built. TP-TDR-PRR-EDR/ESR(several)-MPR(several)-TIR-POR etc - Central resources and subsystem cooperation in completing and maintaining updated the as-built engineering model and the Equipment Management Database, which are the essential starting points of any upgrade activity.

Technical Coordination and Integration Issues From the point of view of TC, all apparatus added after 1’st beam will be treated like an upgrade. The immediate priorities (next 3 yrs) are likely to be: ES installation TOTEM and CASTOR(?) installation Improvements to Personnel or Equipment Safety. Improvements to pt 5 Infrastructure Beam monitoring upgrade (esp BSC II, PLT) YE4, ME4/2 and forward RPC HCAL photo-transducers Pixel and (maybe) Beampipe and Shielding Forced major changes to correct large-scale faults or breakdowns may have to take precedence over the upgrade programme.

Labspace @ CERN for Upgrade Philosophy unchanged: maximise the use of scarce resources by concentration of sites and technical oversight personnel. SX5 possible temp use by machine SX5 roof lowering postponed ( parasitic resources for equipping SX5 therefore delayed as well) Reduced storage of tooling at pt 6. Overall resources for SX5 and other halls and relocations reduced (Sept 19’th aftermath). Negotiation of large assembly space adjacent to existing electronics centre and downstairs from electronics integration centre in 904. Partially available from Jan 09 (12.5t crane), remainder (20t crane) once Sept 19 repairs done.

Labspace @ CERN for Upgrade Bldg 186: TIF and upper level clean rooms pressure to release offices to be resisted. use for maintenance this shutdown, upgrade only thereafter (no activated materials) ISR: part of I3 loaned to machine for Sep 19 repairs all of I3 to be cleared by, say, end Mar. all of I4 by end 09 keep only the RPC lab, plus part of bldg 184 on inside of ISR ring and adjoining this lab. use for RPC upgrade 904: retain electronics centre and eng integration centre where they are. equip large assembly area (1 x 12.5t, 1x20t cranes) for: detector assembly and testing tooling storage to release space in SX5. use for CSC upgrade (need gas installation)

Labspace @ CERN for Upgrade SX5: equip progressively for: infrastructure maintenance (done), pixel maintenance (not fully for 08-09) radioactive material maintenance and storage (09) muon maintenance (clean room) (09) EB supermodule maintenance (09) A (small) PH RA workshop is being specified in Meyrin. Future of facilities in bldg 27 : ( R & D?) 867 (move to 904?) and other smaller labs elsewhere to be considered. Aim to concentrate on 186, 904 ( radioactive material) and SX5 (maintenance) As previously, contributions form subsystems will be needed to fund specialist facilities

Building 904 in Prevessin Existing Electronics Integration centre. Messy: needs area technician but not currently justified. Requested facilities for detector signals to feed the front-ends New area

Building 904 in Prevessin Electronics centre 12.5t crane, 900m2