President’s Report Faculty Senate Meeting September 14, 2017
Slate of Officers for AY 2017-2018 President: Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani (Electrical and Computer Eng.) Past President: Tom Schuman (Chemistry) President-Elect: Mike Bruening (History and Political Science) Secretary: Steve Corns (Eng. Management and Systems Eng.) Parliamentarian: Richard Dawes (Chemistry) Boss Lady: Barb Palmer
Resolution Whereas Professor Schuman has served the Faculty Senate of the Missouri University of Science and Technology as President-Elect (2015-2016) and as President (2016-2017); Whereas, Professor Schuman has served as de facto President of the Faculty Senate for over a year and a half, filling in for President Steven Grant during his unfortunate illness; Whereas, as an Officer of the Faculty Senate, Professor Schuman has demonstrated consistent dedicated, well-judged, and thoughtful hard work in defense of faculty rights and interests; Whereas, Professor Schuman's leadership skills helped to guide the campus through a particularly challenging time for both the Missouri S&T campus and the University of Missouri System, Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of the Missouri University of Science and Technology does hereby sincerely thank Professor Schuman for every job well done and wish him continued success in his future endeavors. Adopted this 14th day of September, 2017, at the meeting of the Faculty Senate of Missouri University of Science and Technology.
Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC) Our representatives for AY 2017-2018 Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani Tom Schuman (Chair of IFC) Mike Bruening Retreat was held on Sept. 5 and 6 Three items on IFC’s agenda for this year NTT policy (Michael Bruening is our campus rep) Streamlining of course sharing (Viviana Grieco from UMKC is the IFC rep) Examining teaching evaluation practices (subcommittee has not yet been formed) IFC will be participating in finalist interviews for University of Missouri System Executive Director of Government Relations Next meeting is on Oct. 19 Discussion of changes to UM Research Board funding practices
Campus Committee elections to be continued during RP&A report later today Campus climate survey results were presented at Town Hall meeting earlier today Strategic Planning Approval sought for Vision and Compacts Strategic planning committee to be formed by next week Creation of Department of Teacher Education and Certification Review of bylaws
Strategic Plan – Draft Vision “To be a premier land-grant institution dedicated to the creation and inclusive sharing of knowledge to advance the educational, health, cultural, economic and social interests of the people of Missouri, the nation and the world.”
Strategic Plan – Draft Compacts for Education, Research, Engagement and Economic Development for the 21st Century Missouri Compact for Excellence in Student Success is to: Increase academic quality and diversity Enhance learning experiences Increase flexible paths to learning and degree completion Increase professional development Increase retention and graduation rates Improve career outcomes Increase affordability Reduce debt at graduation and loan default rates
Strategic Plan – Draft Compacts for Education, Research, Engagement and Economic Development for the 21st Century Missouri Compact for Excellence in Research and Creative Works is to: Increase intellectual merit and broader impact Increase extramural research Increase high-quality publications and citations Increase faculty awards and recognition Increase curated exhibits and juried performances
Strategic Plan – Draft Compacts for Education, Research, Engagement and Economic Development for the 21st Century Missouri Compact for Excellence in Community Engagement and Economic Development is to: Build a climate that values the background, experiences and perspectives of every Missourian Increase effective partnerships in the areas of educational, health, cultural, economic and social issues with local, state and global communities
Strategic Plan – Draft Compacts for Education, Research, Engagement and Economic Development for the 21st Century Missouri Compact for Excellence in Planning, Operations and Stewardship is to: Develop long-term planning processes for operating and capital needs Create measures of accountability visible to all stakeholders Develop processes, practices and policies that encourage collaborations and progress across the four institutions of the UM System Change organizational structures to achieve the objectives of research, teaching and engagement mission
Faculty Senate Representatives to Strategic Planning Committee Faculty Senate President Second representative elected by Faculty Senate RP&A has nominated Richard Dawes
Proposal for Establishment of Department of Teacher Education and Certification Goal: To establish a Department of Teacher Education and Certification within the College of Arts, Sciences, and Business. This department, led by a tenured department chair, would oversee the secondary and primary teacher education programs at S& T, including managing and hiring faculty; recruiting and advising students; and developing, scheduling, and teaching all EDUC courses.