Anatomical Standing Position: When describing the regions of the body, positions relative to the ‘anatomical position’ are used. These refer to a person standing UPRIGHT, facing FORWARDS, with ARMS down by the sides PALMS facing FORWARDS Under the title ‘anatomical language’ describe what you think this is with a partner
Anatomical language:, Anterior: toward the front of the body Posterior: toward the back of the body Lateral: away from the midline of the body Medial: towards the midline of the body Proximal: a structure/body part closer to point of attachment than another Distal: a structure/body part further away from point of attachment than another Superior: a structure higher or closer to the head than another Inferior: a structure lower or closer to the foot than another Peripheral: on the outside or on the edge of something. Superficial: toward the surface of the body Deep: internal or below the surface of the body Supine: facing upwards Prone: facing downwards
Anatomical Position and directional terms ( 12 mins )
Can you use any of your anatomical terms to describe a muscle / bone / organ? Under the title ‘anatomical language’ describe what you think this is with a partner
Anatomical language: Term Description Anterior Posterior Lateral Anatomical / Exercise / Sporting Example Anterior Posterior Lateral Medial Proximal Distal Superior Inferior Peripheral Superficial Deep Supine Prone
Task: choose an exercise and the order and perform 20 repetitions before moving stations Term Exercise Order Anterior Posterior Lateral Medial Proximal Distal Superior Inferior Peripheral Superficial Deep Supine Prone
Directional Terms Table 1.1
Directional Terms Table 1.1