Anatomical Directions Joint Movements
Flexion Definition: Decreasing the angle between 2 bones Example: An arm (bicep) curl
Extension Definition: Increasing the angle between 2 bones Example: Straightening the arm (triceps extension)
Hyperflexion Definition: Flexion beyond the normal range of motion Example: Whiplash
Hyperextension Definition: Extension beyond the normal range of motion Example: A backbend
Abduction Definition: Movement of a body part away from the midline Example: Lifting your arm to put on deodorant
Adduction Definition: Movement of a body part toward the midline (“adding”) Example: Second half of a jumping jack
Horizontal Abduction/Extension Definition: Movement of a body part away from the midline in a horizontal fashion Example: Opening a sliding glass door with a straight arm
Horizontal Adduction/Flexion Definition: Movement of a body part toward the midline in a horizontal fashion Example: Scratching the back of your opposite shoulder
Internal (Medial) Rotation Definition: Inward rotation Example: Closing curtains
External (Lateral) Rotation Definition: Outward rotation Example: Opening your towel; cocking phase of baseball pitch
Pronation Definition: Turning the palm downward; turning in toward the midline Example: Turning a doorknob toward the midline
Supination Definition: Turning the palm upward (“soup bowl” position; Turning away from the midline Example: Turning into the anatomical position; turning a doorknob away from the midline
Ulnar Deviation Definition: Motion of the hand toward the ulnar (pinky) side of the forearm Example: Hammering a nail
Radial Deviation Definition: Motion of the hand toward the radial (thumb) side of the forearm Example: Lifting a hammer to strike a nail
Elevation Definition: To raise Example: Shrugging your shoulders
Depression Definition: To lower Example: Lowering the shoulder after shrugging it
Inversion Definition: Turning the toes of the foot inward Example: Pointing the toes toward each other
Eversion Definition: Turning the toes of the foot outward Example: Pointing your toes opposite of each other
Circumduction Definition: Combination of flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction; rotation of a body part Example: Arm circles; wrist circles
Dorsiflexion Definition: Ankle movement; bringing the foot toward the shin Example: Toe lifts
Plantar Flexion Definition: Ankle movement; pointing the toes Example: Calf raises; toes raises (donkey calf raises)