User and Staff Training Jennifer McGill, M.Eng., CCE
Outline Why User Training? Training Methods and Tools Evaluating Uptake Why Staff Training? Not just fixing equipment… Learning Environment Programs
Why User Training? Up to 50% of service calls use error Reduces work for service staff Reduces risk to patients Reduces frustration/stress of users Improves communication between users and service providers Increase competency of trainer
Training Methods and Tools Simulation Demonstration Online or Digital Modules Job-aids Admit Patient Checklist Quick Reference Guides External Pacemaker Quick Reference Troubleshooting Tips
Evaluating Uptake Ask for examples from learners “What if?” scenarios Encourage questions & interaction Demonstrate tasks to others Summarize or teach next group
Why Staff Training? Motivation and morale Rapid technology changes Integration and interaction of devices and systems Improve quality of service - BROADEN Interaction with vendors and staff SUSTAINABILITY – internships and mentorships
Not just fixing equipment… Clinical Arrhythmias, dialysis, understanding WHY Safety Infection Control, Radiation Safety Non-Technical Customer Service, Time Management, Communication, Leadership and Teamwork, Conflict Resolutions, Diversity, Ethics, Privacy Organisational Orientation, goals, admin processes,
Learning Environment Article/Journal reviews Designated “research” time Special projects Lunch & Learn (talented staff) Cross-training & collaboration Shadowing, Mentoring Conferences – Professional Society
Programs British Columbia Institute of Technology University of Trieste - Trieste, Italy Babson MBA – FAST Track Program More from Baset Khalaf…
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