MOBILITY: FORTE DA CASA PORTUGAL 27 Feb. – 5 March 2011 APE – Itis Pininfarina
Two weeks ago I went on a Comenius school-trip to Portugal: it was the most beautiful and funny school trip ever! We met our partners at Lisbon airport at 6 pm and we went to their homes. During the week we visited Lisbon, the river Tagus and the ocean. On Wednesday we had an amazing party with the Comenius project partners: we danced a popular dance on the stage and I enjoyed it very much! During this school-trip I met people I'll never forget and I hope I'll return there one day. I want to thank my host family very much for their wonderful hospitality and the great care they took of me! Thank you Joao, it was great to meet you! Hugs Marco
I would like to thank all those who participated in the Comenius project in Portugal: partners, teachers and students because together we have given life to a fantastic experience I will remember forever!!! I hope I'll return to Portugal in the future, to live again the emotions I felt during this fantastic week! Thank you very much Rafael for the hospitality you and your family gave me! Bye from Italy Giovanni
A school-trip I'll never forget is the week I spent in Portugal A school-trip I'll never forget is the week I spent in Portugal. During this trip I met a lot of people from many countries: Poland, Portugal, Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey, these people had been "my family" for one week and I'll never forget them. Every day we visited a lot of places, such as Lisbon, the Oceanario, the river Tagus and the ocean. This travel was a great experience and I'm very glad I did it: meeting "European" people and staying with them for a week has been an amazing and rich experience. A warm THANK YOU to my host family, to "my Portuguese mum and dad" who took care of me in a lovely way and to Rafael, my partner, who made me feel at home in his country Hugs Lorenzo