Chapter 21 Dunning Dunning is the process of notifying customers that an unpaid obligation has become past due. Chapter Objectives Understand the functionality and configuration of a Dunning Procedure and how it is executed in the Dunning Program. Understand the Organizational Structure of Dunning Levels within a given Dunning Program and how parameters can be set for each of them. Understand how to send dunning correspondence to customers and vendors through Dunning Letters. Run the Dunning Program.
Dunning Organizational Structure related to Dunning: Client CLAA Company Code CCAA Company Code CCBB Dunning Area DA01 Dunning Area DA01 Dunning Area DA02 A Company Code can be divided into optional Dunning Areas based on different dunning policies or Organizational Units that are responsible for dunning (e.g., Sales Organization, Division or Business Area). Based on user-specified criteria, Dunning Letters are generated for Customers with overdue open items, who are eligible for dunning. Different Customers and Vendors can be dunned with different Dunning Procedures, which control how dunning is executed by the system. Dunning Procedures can differ with regard to: The number of Dunning Levels Dunning Interval Dunning Text The input data for automatic dunning includes: Fields in master records Fields in open items Configuration of Dunning Program Online parameters for the Dunning Run The Dunning Area is an optional unit in the Organizational Structure used to group Customers / Vendors for dunning. Each Dunning Area can represent different dunning policies or Organizational Units responsible for dunning.
Dunning Procedure The Dunning Procedure contains the configuration of a Dunning Program. The Dunning Procedures can be tied to Dunning Areas or to a Customer / Vendor master record. Dunning Procedure Dunning Program Configuration Execution Dunning Levels Minimum Amounts Dunning Charges Dunning Texts To set up a Dunning Procedure, the following must be specified: number of Dunning Levels (1-9) Dunning Texts Standard Text can also be included in the Dunning Texts. Basic Parameters of the Dunning Procedure
Configuring the Dunning Procedure Frequency for running Days in arrears after which a Dunning Notice will be sent Items that are overdue less or equal to the grace period will not be dunned (works like a bonus period) Dunning Procedure major parameters: Dunning Interval Number of Dunning Levels Grace Period Grace Periods per line item are taken into consideration during determination of the due date of the Dunning Run. An item whose days in arrears are less than or equal to the Grace Period will not be dunned. The Minimum Days in Arrears refers to the number of days in past due for any item in a Customer Account. If any item exceeds that specification, all items in the Account are dunned, except for those in the grace period. Public Holiday Calendar Key is a two-character code for the Public Holiday Calendar. The calendar must have first been created in configuration. Specifying a public holiday calendar key is the only way to ensure that the overdue items are not paid on a weekend or public holiday. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grace Period Minimum Days in Arrears # Days in Arrears
Selecting Open Items to be Dunned Grace Period: 4 Days Minimum Days in Arrears: 8 Days Items: Due Amt. Status 1) -6 1,500 Not Overdue 2) +3 350 Within Grace Period 3) +6 800 Within Min. Days in Arrears 4) +10 5,400 Overdue 10 Days Result: Items 3 and 4 will be dunned. You will dun the account for Item 3 because there is another item that is overdue more than the minimum days in arrears. If Item 4 did not exist, then item 3 would not be dunned. If the longest overdue item exceeds the Minimum Days in Arrears (for the Account), the Account will be dunned.
Dunning Levels Days in Arrears specifies the number of days an item must be overdue to be included in a particular level. More details about item selection follow on the next slide The two methods for calculating interest on Customer Accounts are interest calculation on the balance interest for days overdue Interest is calculated and included on the dunning letter. No interest charges are posted to the General Ledger. The following must be defined for interest calculation: Interest Calculation Types General conditions for the Interest Calculation Types Conditions dependent on the time and amount (if necessary) Usage of reference interest rates (if required) Forms for the Interest Calculation Types If interest calculation is activated for a Dunning Level, the program charges interest only if the minimum interest amount is exceeded. The Always Dun? indicator compels the program to print a Dunning Letter even if the same items will be dunned, but only if the Dunning Interval is reached. The Print All Items indicator will cause the System to print all open items of an Account. For higher Dunning Levels, payment deadlines can be specified. This deadline can be printed in the Dunning Letter.
Selecting the Dunning Level Overdue Item Old Level New Level = Old Level + 1 The Dunning Letter A Customer / Vendor is always dunned for the first time at Level 1. An item can not be dunned at the next level until it meets that levels Days in Arrears setting. Note: The manner in which the system determines whether an item should be dunned is impacted by the Dunning Level Days in Arrears setting and Min. Days in Arrears setting in the General Information section. The examples below illustrate how the system will determine if an item should be dunned: Example 1 Minimum Days in Arrears: 7 days Grace Period: 3 days Dunning Level 1: 20 days SAP will not dun until an item is 20 days overdue. It will then dun all items that exceed the grace period. Example 2 Dunning Level 1: 6 days SAP will not dun until an item is 7 days overdue. It will then dun all items that exceed the grace period. The Dunning Level can only be upgraded one level at a time. The open item with the highest Dunning Level determines the text in the Dunning Letter except when the Dunning program is configured to create a Dunning Letter by Dunning Level.
Minimum Amounts Minimum Amounts define an overdue threshold of the total Account Balance, which must be exceeded to reach a Dunning Level. Dunning Level Minimum Amount Minimum Percentage Minimum Amount for Interest Example: Total Account Balance: USD 25,000,00 Configuration of Dunning Level 1: Min. Amount = USD 15.00 and Min. Percentage = 5% Dunning Balance Level 1: USD 500.00 Will be dunned? No, because USD 500.00 >= Min. Amount but USD 500.00 < Min. % Minimum amounts are defined for a Dunning Level by Currency. If the balance to be dunned for a Dunning Level is higher than the minimum amount and the minimum percentage then the System will trigger the corresponding Dunning Level. The minimum percentage defines how much of the amount is overdue related to the total outstanding balance.
Dunning Charges For each Dunning Level, it is possible to define an amount to be charged if the minimum amount for dunning is exceeded. A Dunning Charge is used to cover the postage and handling of Dunning Letters. Dunning Level Dunning Charge: Static amount to be charged Dunning Charge %: Percentage to be applied to the total of all overdue items in the Account to determine the Dunning Charge For every Dunning Level, a Dunning Charge can be specified based on the overdue amount to be dunned. Dunning charges are not posted to the General Ledger.
Dunning Texts Dunning Dunning Level Form A form is set up using SAPScript and can be shared by more than one Dunning Level. A Form must be specified for each Dunning Level. You can use the same Form for several Dunning Levels. Forms are set up with the SAPScript word processing program, which is not covered in this class. Because SAPScript is not very user friendly, help with form maintenance from an individual with ABAP expertise might be necessary. Different Dunning Forms will be needed if the Dunning Procedures that are being used differ by: Number of Dunning Levels Line Item Layout Number of lines of subtotals
Sending Correspondence to Customers / Vendors Pre-Defined Action Trigger Correspondence In addition to dunning, it is possible to create various types of correspondence: Interest on Account Balance: If the system calculates interest, the user can specify overdue and not yet paid, or those paid late. Account Statements for Customers / Vendors Messages for posting cash receipts, Bills of Exchange In customizing, the following must be defined: Correspondence Types that the client wants to use Connection between print report and form Standard Texts for the sections on the form that are Company Code-dependent Print Report Variants Report allocation for each Correspondence Type Correspondence is tied to a report and the reports are tied to a specific form with a pre-determined layout For balance confirmations, the following must be specified: Form for the Letter of Confirmation, Error List, Results Table and Check List Standard texts for the sections of the form which are Company Code-dependent Reply address(es) for the Letter of Confirmation Additional report selection possibilities (if necessary) Report variants
Assigning the Dunning Procedure in the Master Record Company Code Data Correspondence Tab All overdue items are dunned (according to the Due Date for net payment in the Payment Terms). The Dunning Level depends on the: Due date for net payment Number of days in arrears Dunning Procedure Previous Dunning Level A Dunning Procedure is assigned to each Customer / Vendor. If Dunning Areas are used, a Dunning Procedure is assigned to each Dunning Area to which the Customer / Vendor belongs. The name of the Dunning Procedure must be set in the master record for the program to run or assign a Dunning Area to the master record. This Dunning Area must be assigned a Dunning Procedure.
Running the Dunning Program Step 1: Set Parameters The Dunning Program examines the open items of a Customer / Vendor and, if overdue items exist, produces the appropriate notice. Dunning Date Documents Date Company Code, Range of Customer / Vendor Numbers Parameters for the Dunning Run must be defined. Based on the Run Date, Baseline Date and Payment Terms, the System selects the open items to be dunned. The Dunning Letter that is created depends on: The Dunning Procedure in the master record Number of days in arrears of the items The configuration of the Minimum Days in Arrears and the Dunning Level
Running the Dunning Program Step 2: Run the dunning program immediately or in batch mode Dunning can be started at a specific date and time or it can be started immediately. Dunning notices can be created immediately after the dunning run. If this parameter is set it is no longer possible to change the dunning proposal manually or to delete it. The Dunning Program can be started immediately or it can be scheduled to run later, in batch mode. The dunning data created can be changed (edit, block items or correct errors). If anything is changed, the old Proposal Log must be deleted before a new one is generated
Running the Dunning Program Step 3: Create and analyze Logs It’s possible to create an additional log to analyze the dunning run. A range of customer and vendor accounts has to be specified The Dunning Program always creates a Dunning Log containing dunning statistics and, if blocked Accounts or blocked items exist, a corresponding list. There is also the option to create an Additional Log, which will trace any errors. The Proposal Log or the Dunning Log can be used as a test run.
Cross Company Code Dunning This feature enables users to create one dunning notice that covers business partners that exist in different company codes. Likewise, data that would normally be spread over several company codes (and hence several correspondence letters) can now be grouped into one correspondence letter. You can use cross-company code dunning to combine overdue items from several different company codes in one dunning run. The overdue items from accounts that exist in several company codes are dunned with one dunning notice. This eliminates the need to send a customer a separate dunning notice for each company code. You can now group data from several company codes in a letter, or use the sender details from an alternative company code. If you want to create cross-company code dunning, you must assign the affected company codes to a common dunning company code. You can also use several dunning company codes. The dunning company code provides the sender details. You can make the assignments for the dunning company code either in Customizing or in the dunning program. The dunning procedure assigned to the account in the dunning company code is used. If a date has been specified for an account in the dunning company code, which marks it for inclusion in the legal dunning procedure, then the date affects the dependent company codes; however, the dunning frequency and dunning blocks are checked individually, not just in the dunning company code. This feature is also available for cross-company code correspondence. The setup is similar except you will need to enable the cross-company code feature in each applicable correspondence type (via the IMG)
Dunning Block Reasons/ Dunning Key Dunning Block Reasons are used to block a Customer / Vendor or an item from being dunned. The user specifies the Dunning Block Identification and a Description. Dunning Keys are used to mark items that should not trigger a higher Dunning Level. The user specifies the Dunning Key Identification and the Maximum Level that can be triggered. Blocking Reasons can be assigned in the Customer or Vendor Account or in the Line Item. Dunning Keys can be used to mark specific items, such as residual items, that should not trigger a higher Dunning Level.
Incoming Payment A payment coupon may be attached to a dunning letter or account statement. Payment coupons can also be printed in a separate spool on dedicated forms.
Chapter 21 - Dunning Chapter Summary Key Terms: Dunning Dunning Area Dunning Procedure Grace Period Dunning Level Minimum Amount Dunning Charge Dunning - The process of notifying customers that an unpaid obligation has become past due. Dunning Area - An optional unit in the Organizational Structure used to group Customers / Vendors for dunning and each could represent different dunning policies or Organizational Units responsible for dunning. Dunning Procedure - A four-character alphanumeric code that contains the configuration of a Dunning Program and can be tied to Dunning Areas or to a Customer / Vendor master record. Grace period - The number of days that a line item is in arrears (is past due), which, if not exceeded, will prevent it from being taken into consideration as due for dunning. Dunning Level - Defines what type of dunning will be carried out by a certain Dunning Procedure and which conditions will result in using that Dunning Procedure. Minimum Amount - A user-defined overdue threshold of the total Account Balance which must be exceeded to reach a Dunning Level. Dunning Charge - The amount to be charged a customer for the expense incurred in dunning. They are not posted to the General Ledger.
Chapter 21 - Dunning Chapter Summary Key Terms: Dunning Letter Dunning Program Dunning Block Reason Dunning Keys Dunning Letters - The document sent to a customer / vendor that results from a Dunning Run. It contains a header, footer, main body (which contains text), line items, totals, and basic information. Dunning Program - Examines the open items of a Customer / Vendor Account and, if overdue items exist, produces the appropriate notice. Dunning Block Reasons - Used to block a Customer / Vendor or an item from being dunned. Dunning Keys - Used to mark items that should not trigger a higher Dunning Level.