Academic Affairs Fiscal Shared Services Updated 9/1/17 Presented by: Nicole Dopson, Director of Financial Operations
What is Academic Affairs Fiscal Shared Services: Team of fiscal experts that serve as fiscal advisors to academic units Not just accountants that processes transactions and reconcile accounts Team is centralized in Academic Affairs Fiscal experts can serve multiple units, or just one unit depending on scope and size of the unit Report to directly to the Director of Financial Operations and unit Dean/Director (responsible to the unit/s they are serving) Level of services vary from direct fiscal reporting to all levels of fiscal processes and reporting Current participants include Division of Equity and Inclusion College of Fine Arts Art Museum School of Architecture and Planning Honors College Safety and Risk Services Provost Units College of Education Extended Learning Continuing Education Center for Regional Studies
Who We Are: Team of Experts Team Approach Have a well rounded team of individuals who have a great deal of experience in finance and accounting working both in academic and non-academic units at UNM, as well as external experience working in private and public accounting Knowledge from fiscal transactional processes to high level fiscal analysis Team Approach Uniform fiscal structures Design multi-year forecasts in similar format Cross-train Work collaboratively Serve as backup for other units Share ideas Mentorship opportunities Mitigate turnover
Our Philosophy: Customer Service Oriented Here to provide quality services Here to HELP! We don’t just serve the Dean/Director, we provide assistance to all: faculty, staff and students in the entire unit! We are responsible to uphold the University’s policies and procedures, however we need to help units navigate policies and procedures (we are not about saying no!) Strive for Excellence Our team looks for process improvements and cost savings Here to gain knowledge and learn about functions outside of finance and accounting More we know about your unit, the better we can help with fiscal advising
Director, Financial Operations What is Our Structure: Director, Financial Operations Financial Analyst Provost Units Division of Equity and Inclusion Center of Regional Studies Accounting Interns UNM graduate and undergraduate student employees Accountant 3 College of Education Center of Collaborative Research and Community Engagement Continuing Education College of Fine Arts Art Museum School of Architecture and Planning Honors College Accountant 1 Extended Learning Safety and Risk Services Looks like this…
This is a team effort, not another top-down structure! What is Our Structure: …but really is this! Director Accounting Interns Fiscal Advisors This is a team effort, not another top-down structure!
Why Use Fiscal Shared Services: Opportunity for cost savings Currently shared services has saved the University over $1,200,000 recurring funds since implementation in FY16 Access to team of experts Opportunity to collobrate with other units Customer Service Oriented (we work for you!) Have a direct advocate in Academic Affairs
Concerns Using Fiscal Shared Services: Confidentiality Team is experienced in working with executive leadership Physical Location Have electronic processes in place to eliminate need for paper collecting Communications Monthly meetings with Dean/Director to review unit‘s reconcilations Accountabilty Each unit has a service agreement in place for level of services and expectations Director is ulitmately responsible to the unit
Questions? Contact Information: Nicole Dopson 277-8126