DSM - Nutrition Improvement Program The fight against the invisible enemy… Combating Malnutrition through Sustainable Interventions Brussels, November 8 2011 Oswaldo da Costa e Silva
… Why should We care about Hidden Hunger 1/3 of the world's population is affected by micronutrient deficiencies. The first 1000 days of a child's life shape its future. The nutritional status of a child during pregnancy and until 24 months of age shapes its future. Adequate nutrition during this period allows children to develop to reach their full mental and physical potential. The full long-term effects reach beyond health - a poor nutritional status leads to limited achievements in education and a decreased lifelong economic opportunity. Malnutrition is the direct – not underlying – cause of 5.5 million child deaths every year, killing directly in synergy with infectious diseases and not indirectly by increasing the incidence of disease. These children would not die if they were well-nourished What micronutrient deficiencies cause in one year: 1 million children die before the age of five 50,000 women die during or soon after childbirth 19 million infants are born with impaired mental capacity 100,000 infants are born with preventable physical defects Global cost of malnutrition is $19 billion in lost adult work performance and related health expenditure 1 1
DSM's Holistic Approach against Hidden Hunger Partnerships
A Transformational Partnership Improve the nutritional value of at least 80% of the food basket DSM experts work hand in hand with WFP colleagues At the moment about 9 million beneficiaries receive better nutrition from the results of our joint work SuperCereal SuperCereal+ MixMe® (Micronutrient Powders) Rice Fortification (NutriRice®)
Partners in Food Solutions Mandate Provide technical support to local food producers and processors SME Partners: General Mills Cargill DSM Vision Sustainably Improve nutritional status of the local population Support development of local economy Increase local production of nutritious foods Approach Thorough SME evaluation of needs and business practices Company volunteers provide needed technical support USAID Technoserve 4
Project Laser Beam – Concentrated Effort to Fight Malnutrition Mandate A Public/Private Partnership that seeks to eradicate child malnutrition Partners: UN – World Food Programme Unilever Kraft Foods Vision Sustainably Eradicate malnutrition among children “Develop” Beneficiaries through Voucher System to Consumers Approach Rely on the local development of already existent nutritional solutions Support local production Monitoring & Evaluation Scalable and replicable nutritional interventions GAIN DSM Rabobank Foundation Local governments Local NGOs Local companies
Project Laser Beam in Action – DSM Contribution Bangladesh Implemented: High-Energy Biscuits Development phase: Rice-based Ready to Use Supplementary Food Support on effectiveness trial Indonesia: Micronutrient Powder Lipid based Supplementary Nutrition 6
Partnership with Local Companies – Indonesia I Mandate: Improve nutritional status of the BoP target population through affordable, fortified foods Partners: Local food producer & DSM Target population: Pregnant and lactating women Children 6 – 24 months Product: Fortified (micronutrients and w3-PUFAs (DHA)) foods Launch date: Q1 2012 Sustainability: Stronger society development 7
Partnership with Local Companies & NGOs – Indonesia II Mandate: Improve nutritional status in schools and orphanages Partners: Local food producer, local NGO & DSM Target population: School/orphanage children, 6 months + Product: Fortified (micronutrients) meals Launch date: Q1 2012 Sustainability: Savings on medical budget due to improved health will be allocated to new programs 8
Rice Fortification – A Technology to Combat Malnutrition China: Trial conducted at a school in Beijing in partnership with the Chinese CDC with NutriRice®. India: Trial conducted with school children in Bangalore in partnership with St. John's Research Institute with NutriRice®. Outcome: Improved physical performance, height and weight as well as improved nutritional status after 8- (China) and 6-month (India) intervention
Remember… The time is now to act Malnutrition… takes too many lives impairs the full development of too many people compromises economic and societal development in too many countries Partnerships - the best way forward for sustainable development International/Government support at the start Multi-specialty players Governments NGOs Industry DSM We are ready to contribute We are ready to extent our partnerships
Thank you…