The order Diptera in Red lists of Russian regions Pestov S.V. Institute of biology KomiSC UD RAS
Diversity of Diptera 160000 species in the world 12000-15000 in Russian Federation
The Diptera diversity in regional Red books
Insects in regional Red data books Species number of insects in regional red list Одним из инструментов охраны природы являются Красные книги. Species number of diptera in regional red list
Red list categories
Разнообразие двукрылых (трофические группы)
Распределение охраняемых видов по трофическим группам личинок
Influence of factors on Diptera 1. abiotical factors 1.1. weather condition 2. biotical factors 2.1. food resources 2.2. competition 2.3. entomophagous 3. Human activity factors 3.1. using of natural resources = disturbance of habitat 3.2. industry = environment pollution
predators 15 family 73 species
saproxylophagous 5 family 25 species
parasitoids 5 family 23 species
World distribution of diptera in regional Red list Виды с узким распространением Виды с широким распространением
Distribution protected diptera in Europe (on Fauna Europea project) 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 5 10 15 20 25 35 40 45 Ч и с л о р е г н в Fauna Europea project divides Erurope territories on 69 subregions. The picture shows number species of Diptera included in Russian regional red lists and numbers European region what they recorded More than half of all species included in the regional Red data books found in most of Europe and threats for the species no number of region
Sizes of body Satanas gigas (до 50 mm) Length of body, mm Iteaphila caucasica, 2 mm
Conclusions In the red book of the Russian subjects included 129 species of Diptera from 29 families. The number of species varies from 1 to 41 species. Approaches to the development of regional lists of protected species assessment of the status of rarity of insects in different regions vary considerably, therefore, the composition of red adjacent areas do not overlap. For most species of Diptera, included at present in the regional Red data books there is no threat to existence at the species level. In some red books included species that do not require protection, and at the same time relic, disjunctive and endemic to the region, the species is not even included in the Appendix of the red book. Special attention should be given to species with narrow geographic ranges (endemic), an area of less than 10,000 sq. km. All endemic species should be included in the Red book. In the absence of data on limiting factors and population dynamics of in the application. The main anthropogenic factors affecting the number of separate ecological groups of Diptera is forestry, agricultural activities and mining.