PICK A CATEGORY 100 200 300 400 500 Even more vocab. Tú Tú Com- mands Tú Com- 100 200 300 400 500
First Category for 100 ¿Cómo se dice, “make-up” en español?
Answer First Category for 100 El maquillaje Pick a Category
¿Cómo se dice, “sound” en español? First Category for 200 ¿Cómo se dice, “sound” en español?
Answer First Category for 200 El sonido Pick a Category
First Category for 300 ¿Cómo se dice, “to edit” en español?
Answer First Category for 300 editar Pick a Category
First Category for 400 ¿Cómo se dice, “to fail” en español?
Answer for 400 fracasar Pick a Category
First Category for 500 ¿Cómo se dice, “to be successful” en español?
Answer for 500 Tener éxito Pick a Category
Second Category for 100 Which Spanish vocabulary word/phrase does this describe? “un actor famoso”
Answer Second Category for 100 La estrella de cine Pick a Category
Second Category for 200 ¿Quién dice a todos qué deben hacer?
Answer to Second Category for 200 La directora. Pick a Category
Second Category for 300 Esta película te da información.
Answer to Second Category for 300 El documental Pick a Category
Second Category for 400 Es lo que cuenta el guión.
Answer to Second Category for 400 El argumento. Pick a Category
Second Category for 500 Lo necesitas para hacer el sonido.
Answer to Second Category for 500 El micrófono. Pick a Category
Third Category for 100 How do you say, “to play a role” in Spanish?
Answer to Third Category for 100 Hacer el papel. Pick a Category
Third Category for 200 How do you say, “the scene” in Spanish?
Answer to Third Category for 200 La escena. Pick a Category
Third Category for 300 Esta película te hace reír.
Answer to Third Category for 300 La comedia. Pick a Category
Third Category for 400 ¿Quién filma las escenas?
Answer to Third Category for 400 El camarógrafo. Pick a Category
Third Category for 500 How do you say, “it makes me cry” in Spanish?
Answer to Third Category for 500 Me hace llorar. Pick a Category
Fourth Category for 100 How do you say, “Eat it” in Spanish? (it = the sandwich)
Answer to Fourth Category for 100 Cómalo. Pick a Category
Fourth Category for 200 How do you say, “Don’t watch it” in Spanish? (it = the film)
Answer to Fourth Category for 200 No la mires. Pick a Category
Fourth Category for 300 How do you say, “Don’t write it” in Spanish? (It = the paper)
Answer to Fourth Category for 300 No lo escribas. Pick a Category
Fourth Category for 400 How do you say, “Go to the movie theatre” in Spanish?
Answer to Fourth Category for 400 Ve al cine. Pick a Category
Fourth Category for 500 How do you say, “Paint it” in Spanish? It = the picture
Answer to Fourth Category for 500 Píntala. Pick a Category
Fifth Category for 100? How do you say, “Be a good friend.” in Spanish?
Answer to Fifth Category for 100 Sé un buen amigo. Pick a Category
Fifth Category for 200 How would you say, “Eat it? (it = the pork chop)
Answer to Fifth Category for 200 Cómala. Pick a Category
Fifth Category for 300 How do you say, “Don’t eat it? (it = the pork chop.)
Answer to Fifth Category for 300 No la comes. Pick a Category
Fifth Category for 400 How would you say, “Don’t‘ be funny.
Answer to Fifth Category for 400 No seas cómico/a. Pick a Category
Fifth Category for 500 How do you say, “Don’t go to school” in Spanish?
Answer to Fifth Category for 500 No vayas a la escuela.
Sixth Category for 100 How do you say, “Don’t buy the chicken” in Spanish?
Answer to Sixth Category for 100 No compres el pollo. Pick a Category
Sixth Category for 200 How do you say, “Tell me” in Spanish?
Answer to Sixth Category for 200 Dime. Pick a Category
Sixth Category for 300 How would you say, “Don’t do it” in Spanish?
Answer to Sixth Category for 300 No lo hagas. Pick a Category
Sixth Category for 400 What does “No me hagas un documental” mean in English?
Answer to Sixth Category for 400 Don’t make a documentary for me. Pick a Category
Sixth Category for 500 How would you say, “Call me tomorrow” in Spanish?
Answer to Sixth Category for 500 Llámame mañana.
Seventh Category for 100 What does “no lo mires” mean in English?
Answer to Seventh Category for 100 Don’t look at it/Don’t watch it.
Seventh Category for 200 How do you say, “Do the homework” in Spanish?
Answer to Seventh Category for 200 Haz la tarea. Pick a Category
Seventh Category for 300 How do you say, “Sit in the red chair” in Spanish?
Answer to Seventh Category for 300 Siéntate en la silla roja. Pick a Category
Seventh Category for 400 How do you say, “Don’t cry” in Spanish. (llorar)
Answer to Seventh Category for 400 No llores. Pick a Category
Seventh Category for 500 How do you say, “Have a cookie” in Spanish?
Answer to Seventh Category for 500 Ten una galleta. Pick a Category
How much would you like to wager? Second Category for 400 Daily Double! How much would you like to wager? Second Category for 400
How much would you like to wager? Third Category for 500 Daily Double! How much would you like to wager? Third Category for 500