Tupper 2007-08 Ms. Chow lchow@vsb.bc.ca Photography & the Web Tupper 2007-08 Ms. Chow lchow@vsb.bc.ca
Course materials Internet connection Digital camera; loaners Storage device: USB flash drive, CD-R, … Journal: 3-ring binder for Traditional photography assignments project technical notes reflection on your work and those of classmates
Our classrooms Room 300 - digital work Room 315 - darkroom work http://photography1.wikispaces.com private space Membership by invitation only You & I will be editing / sharing / uploading / discussing
What are these? email Wikipedia Blogger Wordpress Facebook or MySpace Flickr YouTube websites Think Pair Share Technique Listen to the question. Think individually. You have plenty of time for reflection. Pair up with just one other person. Share what you worked on individually with your partner. Revise your own ideas or work based on the discussion with partner. Group together. Share new ideas, agreements/disagreements, change of opinion Think-Pair-Share is a useful when good deal of reflection issue with multiple perspectives there are shy students; allows them to express themselves with one person rehearse what they want to say different literacy or English proficiency levels paired together Think - pair - share demonstration (TPS): Which of these is old-school and why?
‘Old school’ email websites
Online collaboration Using wiki technology Students, teachers, members of the community will work on photography
By the 3rd class Go to http://www.wikispaces.com Use the account name assigned to you, or sign-up for your own account. You will need a valid email account Read the hand-out online or print copy Go to http://photography1.wikispaces.com Ask to be added