Influence of Greek Philosophy on World History By Chris McNamara
Pre-Socratic Philosophers Greek philosophers during 6th and 5th centuries BCE Dealt with cosmology, ontology, and cosmology Milesian school, Xenophanes, Pythagoreans, Pluralism, Sophistry
Classic Greek Philosophy: Socrates Stressed the control of the government Took philosophy personally and seriously Taught students to be thoughtful and critical Charged with impiety and sentenced to death
Classic Greek Philosophy: Plato Established a school of philosophy in Athens Imagined ideal situations “Reality” is a figment of our imagination
Classic Greek Philosophy: Aristotle Considered to have been a polymath Stressed the importance of logic Created a model of the universe
Aristotle’s Model of the Universe
Stoicism Bad emotions are caused by false judgment Moral and intellectual people avoid bad judgement Philosophy is a way of life
Spread of Hellenistic Culture (Philosophy) Occurred as a result of Alexander’s conquest Cynism, Epicureanism, Skepticism, Neo-Platonism, Stoicism
Greek Philosophy Impact on the Middle Ages Greek texts preserved by Arabs Restored emphasis on Aristotle’s philosophy Aristotle’s rationality was incorporated into Thomas Aquinas’ theology
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