Improving Security By Embracing The Cloud Jonathan Wilkinson Director, Product Management TRITON™ Web Security Email security Data Security
What is an APT? APTs Targeted Attacks Perpetrators Nation states Advanced cybercriminals Targets Governments and strategic corporations and organizations Mid-sized and large organizations Goals Political and large-scale economic gain from intellectual property theft Financial gain, through ID info to sell to fence, or anything of value to ransom Methods Custom developed, targeted, blended, patient, well-funded Very similar to APTs, but use off-the-shelf toolkits vs. custom ones Some are, but the majority are not The originator is different, but the method of attack is the same Regardless of name, the business impact is real The attacks need blended defenses, one single technology won’t stop it APT definition Perpetrator Generally a well-funded and highly talented government or group acting on behalf of a government. Target Usually another government’s top-secret data or an organization’s strategically guarded data. Goal Political or economic gain or advantage. Methods Advanced: Full spectrum of sophisticated intelligence-gathering technology and ever-changing combinations of the most advanced and off-the-shelf tools. Multiple vectors of attack, often including specifically crafted malware targeting unknown zero-day vulnerabilities. Persistent: Patient, steady, ongoing monitoring to find vulnerabilities; search for target data; repeated attempts, changing tactics if detected to try, try again; will rarely if ever give up.
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Cloud Roadmap Cloud Email & Web Security 2007 Hybrid Web Added in Web Security Gateway 2010 Hybrid Email Added in Email Security Gateway 1Q11 Websense Mobile Security Service 1H12 Cloud DLP (Enterprise DLP for Mobile & Cloud Customers) 2H12