PowerPlay Web Fundamentals PowerPlay Web Series 7 Version 3 SC, VCR Title (Standard Classroom) = Module Title Title (Virtual Classroom) = Topic Title The current module/topic title should be displayed in red, and the other module/topic titles are in gray. Standard Classroom This slide replaces the roadmap slide, and also serves as the title slide for each module (Exceptions: For the Introduction and Appendix Modules: see Slide 1 of this template). If there are too many module titles to fit on one slide, then more than one slide can be used. Virtual Classroom Recording Recommended VC Script: Let’s take a look at <state the current topic>.
Objectives In this module, we will: discuss fundamental terminology describe the contents and use of cubes list the PowerPlay Web components and describe their purpose explain the PowerPlay Web application development process use the dimension line, dimension viewer, PowerPlay Web Explorer toolbar, and online help view a PowerPlay Web report
What is Business Intelligence? Business intelligence allows you to: use corporate data to support decision-making explore and analyze data to reveal trends within a business Raw Data Organized Information Better Business Decisions
PowerPlay Web as a Business Intelligence Tool Use PowerPlay Web to: organize your data into multidimensional format explore data from different angles and gain new insights find fast answers to business questions make informed business decisions by analyzing your corporate data For example, compare the revenues of Golf Equipment products for 2004, 2005, and 2006.
Multidimensional Analysis Comprehensive Sales Analysis When? Time (2005) Who? Customers (Channels) What? Product (Type) Where? Location (Region) Result? Indicator (Revenue) Quarter Month Type Customer Line Brand Number Country Branch Sales Rep Quantity Cost Margin Combination 1 Quarter Month Type Customer Line Brand Number Country Branch Sales Rep Quantity Cost Margin Combination 2
Cubes A cube is a structure that stores data multidimensionally and provides: secure data access fast retrieval of data Cubes can be distributed across a network or to individual computers. Time Products Data Source Retailers Customers Sales Reps Locations
% # Measures Regular Measures Calculated Measures A performance indicator is quantifiable and is used to determine how well a business is operating. Measures are the NUMBERS you see in your crosstab report. For example: Revenue Cost Quantity sold Units on-hand Hours per Job Number of calls Defective units Regular Measures % # Calculated Measures Revenue - Cost = Profit Margin
Dimensions and Levels Dimensions are a broad group of descriptive data about the major aspects of your business. Levels represent established hierarchy within dimensions. Dimensions Levels When? Date What? Products Where? Locations Years Months Days Line Type Product Region Branch Country
Levels and Categories A category is a data item that populates a level in a dimension. Levels Categories Dimension Locations Region Country Branch Europe United Kingdom London, U.K. Manchester, U.K.
PowerPlay Web Components PowerPlay Web includes the following components: Transformer defines the PowerPlay application and creates the PowerCube. PowerPlay Enterprise Server administers the cubes and reports available to Web users. PowerPlay Web accesses the PowerCube via your browser to give you the ability to explore your business information and build reports. Cognos Connection is the common Cognos Web portal for all users.
PowerPlay Web Application Development Process The administrators develop all items for the client. Determine the information required, then plan measures and dimensions 1 Revenue Units Discounts Quota Years 2 Quarters 8 Months 24 State 4 City 16 Store 72 Business 3 Product Lines 6 Brands 18 Products All Years National Sales Force All Products Sales Management Example Technician 158 Obtain the required data Develop the model 2 Add the cube to a PowerPlay Web server 5 Test and revise 4 Create the cube 3
PowerPlay Web Viewer Use PowerPlay Web Viewer to: quickly view reports that have been published to the Web print reports in .pdf format Explore
PowerPlay Web Explorer PowerPlay Web Explorer lets you further analyze a report that has been published to the server. PowerPlay Web Viewer lets you access many different features available in PowerPlay Web Explorer to further customize the report. After a report has been altered to fit your preferences, it can be distributed again for other users.
Use the Dimension Line The dimension line: provides a map of the information in the cube shows the dimensions, categories, and measures that are currently displayed on the report Dimension Line
Navigate the Dimension Viewer The dimension viewer provides a full tree view of the contents of a cube. Cube Name Hide Dimension Viewer Highest Level Category Dimensions Lowest Level Category Measures
Investigate the Explorer Crosstab Report The default Explorer crosstab report contains: the first two dimensions in the rows and columns the values for the first measure a summary row and column Column Level Selector Summary Column (Second dimension = Products) Home Cell Columns Row Level Selector Rows Summary Row (First dimension = Years)
The Toolbar Crosstab Agent Rank Zero Suppression Chart File Options Help Custom Highlighting Save Report to Upfront Swap Saves As Report to Upfront Show/Hide Custom Subsets Return to source Calculation Drill Through
The Dimension Viewer Toolbar Use the dimension viewer toolbar to perform the same tasks as when you drag items from the dimension viewer. Insert Before the Columns Insert After the Columns Replace the Rows Insert Before the Rows Replace Measures Insert After the Rows Replace Columns
Find Information in the Report or Cube You can search the current report or cube to find specific dimensions or measures in your data.
PowerPlay Web File Extensions You can save PowerPlay Web files in various formats. Comma Separated Value (.csv) Portable Document Format (.pdf) Microsoft Excel Format (.xls) Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
View an Explanation Use the Explain dialog box to view an explanation of the information you are exploring in PowerPlay Web Explorer and PowerPlay Web Viewer. PowerPlay Web Explorer PowerPlay Web Viewer
Demo 1 Explore the Parts of a Cube and PowerPlay Web Help SC, VCR The bullet point in this slide should match the demo title - do not include the demo number. Use a separate slide for each demo. Standard Classroom Demo numbering will follow the format of Demo X-Y, as per the Standards. Virtual Classroom Recording Demo numbering is as shown in slide. Recommended VC Script: Let’s move into <product name> and take a look at <demo topic>! At the end of the demonstration say: This concludes our demo.
Summary In this module, we have: discussed fundamental terminology described the contents and use of cubes listed the PowerPlay Web components and described their purpose explained the PowerPlay Web application development process used the dimension line, dimension viewer, PowerPlay Web Explorer toolbar, and online help viewed a PowerPlay Web report
What is the relationship between dimensions, levels, and categories? Question What is the relationship between dimensions, levels, and categories? VCR, SC Only show one question per slide. Virtual Classroom Recording Recommended VC Script: A question will now appear. When you have responded, the recording will resume automatically! <Read the question aloud.> Example of a Question and Answer Yes/No Example: Q. In Upfront, security can be applied to a NewsItem. A. Yes.
What is the relationship between dimensions, levels, and categories? Answer What is the relationship between dimensions, levels, and categories? A dimension is a grouping of data organized into a series of levels. Within each level, there are categories. VCR, SC Text boxes may be made larger to accommodate more text, however, the boxes should be centered in the body area of the slide, and alignment should be maintained as above. Standard Classroom Numbered bullets can be changed to regular bullets for Standard Classroom. List only correct answers, not other possible answers, as for VC. Virtual Classroom Recording Highlight the correct answer, using annotation. Recommended VC Script: The correct answer is <state correct answer and clearly explain why it is correct>. (Do not read all of the answers.)
Question What are measures, and what is the difference between measures and dimensions? VCR, SC Only show one question per slide. Virtual Classroom Recording Recommended VC Script: A question will now appear. When you have responded, the recording will resume automatically! <Read the question aloud.> Example of a Question and Answer Yes/No Example: Q. In Upfront, security can be applied to a NewsItem. A. Yes.
Dimensions provide descriptive data. Answer What are measures, and what is the difference between measures and dimensions? Measures are the values or numbers you see in your report (key performance indicators). They represent quantitative data about the business. Dimensions provide descriptive data. VCR, SC Text boxes may be made larger to accommodate more text, however, the boxes should be centered in the body area of the slide, and alignment should be maintained as above. Standard Classroom Numbered bullets can be changed to regular bullets for Standard Classroom. List only correct answers, not other possible answers, as for VC. Virtual Classroom Recording Highlight the correct answer, using annotation. Recommended VC Script: The correct answer is <state correct answer and clearly explain why it is correct>. (Do not read all of the answers.)