An FP5 RTD programme Participants: University of Manchester: UK CONTRACT VALUE: € 1.5 Million Duration: 36 months 1Nov 2001 31Oct 2004 Participants: University of Manchester: UK (Coordinator: P. Wilkinson) Istituto di Radioastronomia: ITALY (CNR) Stichting ASTRON: NETHERLANDS Nicholas Copernicus University Torun: POLAND CSIRO/Australia Telescope National Facility: AUSTRALIA
Focal-plane Arrays for Radio Astronomy (thanks to I. Browne) Design Access and Yield
The FARADAY Drivers: Radio astronomy receivers are constructed out of discrete components expensive in manpower radio telescopes often only equipped with one/two receivers at a given frequency . If receivers can be fabricated more cheaply (via integration) multiple-beam (array) systems should become the norm existing telescopes can collect data much more quickly if these data can be easily analysed a wider range of astronomers can gain access to observing time on the leading facilities.
At the heart of FARADAY is the development of various complex monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) in InP and GaAs Sub-project 1: Horn arrays for continuum surveys at ~30 GHz. Main deliverable: 8-horn prototype continuum receiver array Sub-project 2: Horn arrays for spectroscopy in the band 21-26 GHz Main deliverable: 5-horn prototype heterodyne receiver array
A 100 beam horn array at the focus of the Torun 32m telescope A 100 beam horn array at the focus of the Torun 32m telescope (one medium-term goal, via national funding) A 25-50 beam spectroscopic horn array on the 64m Sardinia telescope is another medium-term goal
Sub-project 3: Actively-phased arrays at 2-5 GHz for use at the focus of large radio telescopes Multiple beams can be synthesised and steered electronically. The long-term aims are: to improve the efficiency of individual telescopes (by correcting surface errors) to open up the widest possible field-of-view (by sampling the field in the entire focal volume). The FARADAY deliverables are a 16-element 2-beam prototype array to work in the frequency range 2.5 to 5 GHz.
Sub-project 4: Development of flexible software tools for the acquisition and analysis of data from continuum horn arrays Using AIPS++: ideally all single-dish observing software “unified” data products designed for archiving and Virtual Observatories Status of FARADAY: all 4 projects well underway End-of-first-year meeting: November 25-29 2002 at CSIRO/ATNF
FARADAY deliverables will both: - enhance the existing European infrastructure - contribute to the next generation of international projects: The continuum source surveys: Interpretation of ESA Planck Surveyor data; target and calibration sources for ALMA The spectroscopic surveys: census of the galactic environment complementing data from ALMA etc. The phased array R&D is a step in Europe's R&D for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA)
Lesson 1) Don’t under estimate management overheads! Pre-contract negotiations with Commission Consortium Agreement (with potential commercial implications) Intellectual Property issues (with potential commercial implications) Non-disclosure Agreements (with potential commercial implications) Additional Agreements (between the partners) Working with a self-financing partner (Australia) Lesson 2) We need to be able to source state-of-the-art microwave components (InP) from within Europe (USA end-use restrictions)
WHERE NEXT?: Joint Research Projects within an I3 Development of (cooled/HTSC) phased arrays for operation at deci- and centimetric wavelengths at the foci of radio telescopes. - potential commercial applications Further development of large horn array receivers for mm (and sub-mm?) wavelengths (i.e. shorter than FARADAY) Continued software development for multiple-beam operations with single telescopes.