Christian DroeseCS Workshop Jena Using the CAEN HV Classes with the LV2009 DSC-Engine Christian Droese Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena CAEN Power Supply OPC Server IOServer DSCIntProc CS CAEN_HV CS GUI
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena OPC Server Caen PS OPC Server available at For other hardware refer to the How To in CS Framework wiki (Getting Started – Profibus, OPC,…)
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena IOServer - Startup NI Variable Manager (Start->Programs->NationalInstruments->Variable Manager)
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena IOServer
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena IOServer
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena IOServer
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena IOServer
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena IOServer
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena DSCIntProc Requires.csv files to configure shared variables and I/O server How to create csv files? Copy CAENHV-System/-Board SV Template files into the data folder of CSDBTools
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena DSCIntProc
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena DSCIntProc -Set correct Network:URL - Replace template: \\SVNode\SVProcess.PSName.BoardNN with your settings\\SVNode\SVProcess.PSName.BoardNN (e.g. \\localhost\IOS1\OPC.SY1527.Board00)\\localhost\IOS1\OPC.SY1527.Board00 - Dont forget to save your changes before exit ;)
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena DSCIntProc CAEN_HVChannels Usage of CSDBTools not possible->manual work or modification of CSDBTools Instance name in csv files has to be equal to the interface name database Use alias in database of CAEN HV Channels at address and logical name (in this form SYSTEMNAME_BoardNN_ChanOO e.g. CAEN_HVSystem0_Board04_Chan02)
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena DSCIntProc Configuration of DSCIntProc in Database: Address0,1,2,… show path of previously configured.csv files (if attribute mapping is applied Address0,1,2 become path 0,1,2, to CSV file) Use binary CS_DSC.exe from repository to test! In case of large numbers of variables the CS will crash on startup Error message says sth. like Data Socket Read …connect to -> TimeOut in dsc
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena CS CAEN_HV and CS GUI At SHIPTRAP we use CS GOGs to execute CAEN Instances at CAEN/DSC Server
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena Thank you for your attention M. Block, D. Ackermann, L.-L. Andersson, K. Blaum, C. Droese, M. Dworschak, S. Eliseev, U. Forsberg, E. Haettner, F. Herfurth, F. P. Heßberger, S. Hofmann, J. Ketter, J. Ketelaer, H.-J. Kluge, G. Marx, M. Mazzocco, E. Minaya Ramirez, D. Nesterenko, Yu. Novikov, W. R. Plaß, A. Popeko, D. Rodríguez, D. Rudolph, C. Scheidenberger, L. Schweikhard, S. Stolze, P. Thirolf, G. Vorobjev, C. Weber
Christian Droese CS Workshop Jena Addendum 1. Startup time of CS_DSC.exe 30-50min 2. 3.