Recoop (Resettlement and care of older ex-offenders and prisoners) Developing Services For Leyhill’s older population
Ways of working over 50’s centre with an emphasis on purposeful activity and Social interaction Silver Dreams lottery funding enabled Personal plans, peer Support and end of life care initiatives Partnership approach enables whole prison approach for best effective solutions
Older people generating solutions Personal plans for all those aged 65+ and those over 50 with complex needs Partaking in purposeful activity that replicates future situations Peer Support scheme for settling in and adjusting to Leyhill
Personal plans Checking prisoner perception in 8 key areas of development Ensuring a co-ordinated approach to care and progression Sharing data via the P drive- Prisoner personal plans/feedback loop Plans have now been transferred to Prison staff – sustainability achieved
Mr Bloggs 2 4 5 9 6 8 7 1 Use of leisure time/ Relaxation Health and Self-care Employment/ Purposeful Occupation Socialisation & Relationships 5 1 9 Progression towards release 6 Support Networks Mental & Physical Fitness Self-development 8 7
Personal Planning Results Areas that have seen most individual progress Self Development 100%moved up one or more level with 100% now scoring themselves in the green zone. 40%started off in the red zone Socialisation and relationships 80% of those reviewed moved up one or more level with 60%now in the green zone 40% moved out of red into amber or green Zone Employment/Purposeful Occupation 60% improved by at least one level with 40% moving out of their initial red zone Other statistics 100% of those reviewed increased their levels of community engagement with 80% scoring themselves in the green Zone 80% of those reviewed moved up a level in obtaining increased knowledge and awareness of relevant services needed to remain independent once released 40% of those reviewed moved up a level in awareness of planning for a successful release
Referrals from Personal Plans Food on a budget 6 week course Chair based exercise Peer Support scheme Gymnasium over 50 sessions One to one coaching/self development MFD Preparation for release sessions Prison visitor service Over 50’s centre
Older prisoners need; Access to purposeful and relevant activity Access to low level exercise facilities Representation on prison committees A holistic approach to rehabilitation and resettlement Opportunities to contribute to solutions Best use of effective partnerships to enable relevant community engagement