BenchCan Core Group Meeting Brussels Anke Wind
Outline WP-4 Progress report Tool development Indicators PANAXEA External environment and existing standards Consumer Quality Index
Progress report WP 4 - Benchmark Tool Development 13-step benchmarking process 1. Determine what to benchmark 2. Form a benchmarking team 3. Choose benchmarking partners 4. Define and verify the main characteristics of the partners 5. Identify stakeholders 6. Construct a framework to structure the indicators 7. Develop relevant and comparable indicators 8. Stakeholders select indicators 9. Measure the set of performance indicators 10. Analyze performance differences 11. Take action: results were presented in a report and recommendations were given 12. Develop improvement plans 13. Implement the improvement plans
Indicators Overview Framework based on EFQM Model and IOM domains of Quality Indicators based on literature and expert opinions Send to OECI members for feedback Feedback from 7 pilot sites and 4 non-pilot sites Feedback + information literature + expert opinion= Current list
Tool development Framework Institution tool 11 domains 26 sub-domains 45 indicators
Tool development Pathway tool Focus on pathway, specific colo-rectal tumour 6 domains 11 sub-domains 25 indicators
Indicators Domain Sub-domain General indicator (open question/system description) Specific indicators (closed questions) Description: This the definition of the indicator Definitions: All the terms used in the indicator are described. Measurement: This indicates how to measure or to fill out this indicator Performance level: The level at which the indicator should be delivered, for example, by department or the whole institute.
NKI and PANAXEA Combine NKI list (qualitative) with PANAXEA list (quantitative) One file consisting of two elements, piloted at all pilot sites
Timeframe May- Finishing up indicators May/June- Pre-Pilot preparation (conference call each center) Pilot NIO June- Start Pilot at Aviano, NIO and VUOI July/August- Site visits September- Pilot other sites October/November- Site visits
and existing standards External environment and existing standards Collaboration with Abi Rajan EurocanPlatform Goal: overview of performance assessments existing at EU member state level BenchCan deliverables: Progress: Survey (core activities, core funding, list existing performance assessments) Identified milestones Mapping exercise existing standards and criteria Scanning exercise organisational dynamics and external environment
and existing standards External environment and existing standards Timeframe Deliverable deadline Survey April 2014 Survey send April 30 2014 Response May 15 2014 Final data collection May 30 2014
Consumer Quality Index One universal BenchCan Consumer Quality Index to measure patient experiences Cooperation NIVEL Progress: - Indicators selected - Translation into English ongoing - Translation into local language not started
Consumer Quality Index Timeframe Deliverable deadline Final list indicators April 2014 Inform pilot sites and assess willingness to participate June 2014 Translation English Translation local language September 2014 Pilot November 2014
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