Annual Progress Report 2010 Annual Work Plan 2011 Task Group on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH TG) Rapporteur: OSH-TG Chair Wiking Husberg & NCD-EG Chair Mikko Vienonen PAC 7 Copenhagen, Denmark 28 October 2010 27.10.2010 MVI (Nutrition-Obesity- Diabetes 1
OSH-meeting linked with SIHLWA-EG March 23 -25, Copenhagen (WHO-EURO) OSH- Meetings in 2010: OSH-meeting linked with SIHLWA-EG March 23 -25, Copenhagen (WHO-EURO) BSN - OSH Meeting Sept-Oct 2010, Tartu 27.10.2010 MVI (Nutrition-Obesity- Diabetes 2
Goal 10: The NDPHS Strategy on Health at Work is implemented in the ND area Operational target 10.1: By 2013, the Partner countries have implemented the agreed actions in the NDPHS Strategy on Health at Work. According to the informal surveys performed during the BSN Annual Meeting in September – October 2010 in Tartu, Estonia, substantial progress towards Goal 10 has been achieved. Estonia, Finland, Germany Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia and Sweden reported that work is in progress or partly ready for all or almost all items of the NDPHS Strategy on Health at Work (cf. Annex 8, Attachment 2 for further details). 27.10.2010 MVI (Nutrition-Obesity- Diabetes 3
BSN Meeting Sept-Oct 2010, Tartu Informal summary of progress Item of Strategy Den-mark Estonia Finland Latvia Lithuania Poland Germany Norway Russia Sweden 1. National OSH profile *** 2006 *** 2006-2010 ** 2010 *** 2007 * ? ** OSH policy & programme *** 2009-2013 **(*) *** * policy ** strategy ** GDA ? paper not plan Occ health services **(*) 2015 (*) Actins on high risk sectors OSH audits Targeted OSH actions OSH training ** some sectors Information systems Addintional comments 27.10.2010 MVI (Nutrition-Obesity- Diabetes 4
OSH TG project activity in 2010: OSH-subgroup has actively implemented the N-W Russia OSH project already in its 3rd phase.
Task Group on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH TG) Work Plan 2011 Task Group on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH TG) Rapporteur: OSH-TG Chair Wiking Husberg & NCD-EG Chair Mikko Vienonen PAC 7 Copenhagen, Denmark 28 October 2010 27.10.2010 MVI (Nutrition-Obesity- Diabetes
Commencement of the TG OSH and BSN work The TG OSH Lead Partner ILO and co-Lead Partner Lithuania is aiming at the continuation of the close cooperation between TG OSH and BSN. Further: Some member states need to appoint their representatives and alternates to the TGTthe TG OSH and BSN will continue to operate as a network of professional experts TG OSH and BSN has elaborate the work plan for 2011, taking into account member country needs and the Health at Work Strategy Commencement of the TG OSH and BSN work
European Commission Strategy for the EU Baltic Sea region Goal 10: The NDPHS Strategy on Health at Work is implemented in the ND area Operational target 10.1: By 2013, the Partner countries have implemented the agreed actions in the NDPHS Strategy on Health at Work. Indicator 10.1A: A report on the implementation of the Declaration is in place. Indicator 10.1B: Actions included in the Strategy are evaluated country by country.
Reporting back to NDPHS PAC Continuation of the ILO N-W Project Filling in the table on the tasks implemented in relation to NDPHS Strategy Preparation of a full review report on the Strategy to NDPHS PAC in November 2011 Reporting back to NDPHS PAC Continuation of the ILO N-W Project Continuation of the FIOH N-W Project Two new projects among the BSN members Information sharing through Barents Newsletter Further information sharing through: Activities in 2011
EU Commission/Russia Support request to EuropeAid 2011 meetings for OSH TG: First OSH meeting: Feb-March 2011, VilniusStart the 2011 Strategy reviewPrepare a full project document for funding International Forum on OH & S: Policies, Profiles and Services 20-22 June 2011, Helsinki Second OSH meeting: SPB/Moscow, Russia or Helsinki/Finland ? Finalise 2011 Strategy review Finalise project proposal EU Commission/Russia Support request to EuropeAid
Two OSH projects under preparation: OSH Project Concept A (12) Evaluation of occupational health services: To improve the quality, cost-effectiveness and impact of occupational health services by making targeted evaluations and by improving evaluation skills. OSH Project Concept B (13) Return to work after sick leaves: to analyse existing systems for facilitating return to work of workers after long sick leaves and shortcomings in these systems in countries around the Baltic Sea in order to recommend necessary changes to policy makers, as well as to provide training for involved experts
Let’s keep in touch 27.10.2010 MVI (Nutrition-Obesity- Diabetes 12
Thank you for your attention Rapporteur: OSH-TG Chair Wiking Husberg & NCD-EG Chair Mikko Vienonen PAC 7 Copenhagen, Denmark 28 October 2010 27.10.2010 MVI (Nutrition-Obesity- Diabetes