Missouri’s 2017 Highway Safety & Traffic Blueprint Conference Bill Whitfield – Blueprint Update MoDOT Highway Safety Director Mike Matthes – Implementing Vision Zero City OF COLUMBIA CITY Manager
Aggressive Goal Setting 7% Reduction in Fatalities and Fatality Rate 4% Reduction in Serious Injuries and Serious Injury Rate 4% Reduction in Non-motorized
What does it take to reach Zero? Vision Courage Action Teams of dedicated personnel Endurance Policy Strength
OVERVIEW What is Vision Zero How we got to Vision Zero How we formed our Action Plan Components of Action Plan Next Steps
No loss of life is acceptable. WHAT IS VISION ZERO? Philosophy for transportation system design & operations that asserts: Safety is the most important factor in planning Traffic deaths & serious injuries are preventable Transportation systems should be designed so that user errors are not fatal No loss of life is acceptable.
GETTING TO VISION ZERO Mayor’s Task Force on Pedestrian Safety – Formed May 2015 Final Task Force Report presented to City Council – Nov. 2016 #1 Recommendation – Adopt Vision Zero Policy City Council Adopted Policy Resolution 178-16 – Dec. 2016 Goal: Zero fatalities and serious injuries by 2030
FORMING OUR ACTION PLAN Public Input Staffing Guiding Principles Equitable Data-Driven Accountable Partnership
ACTION PLAN: ENGINEERING CRITICAL ACTION #1: Formalize a program & protocol for road safety audits and assessments. CRITICAL ACTION #2: Create a Crash Analysis Team. CRITICAL ACTION #3: Identify engineering design parameters that improve safety for all road users. CRITICAL ACTION #4: Reduce legal, posted speed limits.
ACTION PLAN: EDUCATION CRITICAL ACTION #1: Develop a safety & education communication campaign. CRITICAL ACTION #2: Work with other organizations to develop education campaigns and policies. CRITICAL ACTION #3: Promote traffic safety innovations and improvements.
ACTION PLAN: ENFORCEMENT CRITICAL ACTION #1: Increase funding for police traffic safety enforcement through a ballot or other source. CRITICAL ACTION #2: Support statewide legislation to prohibit cellphone use and create a local ordinance to ban texting while driving for all ages. CRITICAL ACTION #3: Improve and reform enforcement of speed limits and prosecution of violators. CRITICAL ACTION #4: Provide routine bicycle and pedestrian safety training for law enforcement officers.
ACCESSING THE ACTION PLAN Vision Zero website: www.comovisionzero.org City website: www.como.gov
QUESTIONS? Bill Whitfield MoDOT Traffic Safety Director 573-751-5417 William.Whitfield@modot.mo.gov Mike Matthes Columbia City Manager 573-874-7214 CMO@CoMo.gov