FPZA Surfcoast Chapter Annual Chapter Meeting and Awards Ceremony 2016
AGENDA Call to Order Approval of the Agenda Recognition of Elected and Appointed Officials Recognition of the Gala Sponsors Opening remarks from past FPZA State President Adoption of revised Bylaws 2017 Appointed Directors Adjournment of Meeting Portion of the Gala Presentation of the 2016 Awards
Recognition of Elected and Appointed Officials
Cobb/Cole TMH Consulting Awards Gala Sponsors PLATINUM Cobb/Cole TMH Consulting GOLD Geosam Capital Land Development Resource Group, LLC Orange Dale Venture, LLC Lisa Ford Williams, Ford Properties Glenn Storch Law Firm Planning Solutions Corp Zev Cohen and Associates, Inc. Mark H. Rakowski, Keyes Real Estate Lassiter Transportation Group Anderson-Dixon Parker Mynchenberg & Associates, Inc.
Opening Remarks John Thomson past FPZA State President
2017 Chapter Officers & Board of Directors Helen LaValley, President John Stockham, Vice President Colleen Miles, Secretary Becky Mendez, Treasurer Scott Ashley, Newsletter Editor Tom Brooks, Professional Development Board of Directors: Tom Harowski John Thomson Belinda Williams-Collins Scott McGrath, Past President
Adjournment of annual chapter board meeting
And Now for the Award Presentations!!
2016 AWARD CATEGORIES Outstanding Innovation and Design Outstanding Public/Private Partnership Sustainability Award Outstanding Planning Initiative Member-of-the-Year Award The Castagnacci Focus Award
Outstanding Innovation & Design
Outstanding Innovation & Design The John Mica Engineering and Aerospace Innovation Complex Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Outstanding Public/Private Partnership
Outstanding Public/Private Partnership Sweetheart Trail City of Daytona Beach & Planning Solutions Corp.
Outstanding Planning Initiative
Outstanding Planning Initiative Zoning Code Update Town of Pierson Zev Cohen and Associates, Inc.
Sustainability Awards
Marshall & Vera Lea Rinker Welcome Center Sustainability Award Marshall & Vera Lea Rinker Welcome Center Stetson University
Member-of-the-Year Award
Member-of-the-Year Award Jay Young For exemplifying outstanding achievement in support of the planning profession
The Castagnacci Focus Award Tom Laputka For Outstanding Community Involvement in Promoting Sound Planning Principles
Congratulations Winners!! 2016 FPZA Surfcoast Chapter Awards Ceremony