A 2. God Tells Us about Himself.
Is there a god? Psalm 14:1 A “fool” is someone who knows better, but goes against his better knowledge.
I don’t know if there’s a god. An agnostic says: I don’t know if there’s a god.
An atheist says: There is no god.
1. From nature (creation) All people can know that there is a god Psalm 19:1 p. 541 1. From nature (creation)
2. From conscience (the voice inside us) All people can know that there is a god The arrow with a number followed by the ) refers to a passage in the Catechism. Hebrews 3:4 1) 2. From conscience (the voice inside us)
For 3 years this man got away with his crime. Police had no idea he was the murderer. So why did he turn himself in?
What can be learned about god from nature and one’s conscience. The natural knowledge of God = What can be learned about god from nature and one’s conscience.
conscience nature Tells me There is a god
The Mayan religion practiced human sacrifice.
Do you recognize these landmarks?
The Egyptians worshipped many god, including the Sun.
What do all these religions have in common, because of what they miss?
The weakness of the natural knowledge: 1. =/= Who the true God is The Mayans, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all worshipped gods made up from the human mind.
Hinduism Islam Mormon Christian but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.” Romans 6:23 “The wages of sin is death,
The weakness of the natural knowledge: 2. =/= About a Savior from sin.
God gives the nature knowledge: …to seek after the Lord.
John 1:18 ..Jesus Christ.
John 5:39 …Bible
God Man Jesus
Book of books Holy writings Bible = Holy writings Scriptures =
The Revealed Knowledge of God = What God has made known about himself in the Bible.
The Bible tells us: 1. Who the true God is 2. Who our Savior is
What Is the True God Like? Let’s dig into scripture to discover what God is like.
The What Is the True God Like? Omniscient Omnipresent Omnipotent Unchangeable
The What Is the True God Like? (continued) Just (Holy) eternal Merciful Loving
These passages may be found in the catechism. Deut 6:4 665) Gen 1:26 663) Mat 28:19-20 958) Num 6:22 668) 2 Cor 13:14 160)
God’s Nature
God’s Nature
Equilateral Triangle
…three persons, in one God.
The Persons of the Godhead: 1. …Creator 2. …Redeemer (buys back) 3. …Sanctifier (sets apart by the gift of faith)
Trinity does the work to save man. Hinduism Islam Mormon Christian Man does the work. Man does the work. Man does the work. Trinity does the work to save man.
Hinduism Islam Mormon Christian Man does the work. Man does the work. Trinity does the work to save man. These are appealing to our human senses. But only 1 can nourish the soul to salvation!
God does for sinners what sinners cannot do. All religions The Bible God does for sinners what sinners cannot do. Man must do for God what God demands. Man’s work of some % 100% God’s Work!