Tucson Unified School District Code of Conduct Public Forum Cholla Magnet High School March 2, 2017
Brief History The Guidelines for Student Rights and Responsibility is our current code of conduct and it has been in effect for over 20 years. In 2008, the District revised the format of the Guidelines of Student Rights and Responsibilities, GSRR. In 2013, the District made another major revision to align it with the Unitary Status Plan, USP. The current recommendation to draft a new Code was based on several reasons In November 2015, the Governing Board accepted the Superintendent’s recommendation to hire a consultant The consultant worked with multiple constituency groups through focus groups, and then with a working group of various focus group participants. In January 2017, staff submitted the draft code of conduct to our Governing Board. They directed the administration to seek out more feedback from the community. Abel- First, the GSRR is too long, dense and confusing to be used effectively by all district stakeholders. Second, the GSRR has a very negative tone and is reminiscent of a criminal code.
Public Forum Information and Protocols Our Governing Board is seeking parent and community feedback on the Draft Code of Conduct, this forum will consist of: Review of the contents of the draft code of conduct. Major concepts of the code of conduct Question and answer session. We are taking minutes of this forum. Each participant has an opportunity to comment on the contents of the draft code of conduct. We will collect your questions and work to answer your questions. You will then be asked to write your feedback and submit it for Governing Board member review. This forum is not a venue to address individual concerns about a school site, or a situation involving specific individuals. We can speak with you after the forum is completed. -Abel Thank you for attending today’s public forum on the draft of the code of conduct. I especially want to welcome parents and students in the audience. -We will outline the code of conduct and request comments. -This session will last about 90 minutes. Restrooms are in the foyer of the auditorium.
Contents of the Code of Conduct The Draft Code is in four main parts: Introduction and justification. Main portions of the document. Accountability section. Appendix sections, which include various documents. Abel
Code of Conduct – Part 1 Part 1: Introduction Six expectations of District staff Six “Bs” for Students Protecting student safety Promoting success for all students Michael Six expectations of staff: (1) ensure that students are engaged and challenged by well-rounded, culturally-relevant instruction; (2) prioritize the development of strong relationships with every student; (3) be aware of, and responsive to, the full array of students’ academic, social, emotional, and physical needs, including the impact of crises, trauma, and other challenges our students face at home and in the community; (4) commit to ongoing teaching and reinforcement of positive student behaviors; (5) focus on the prevention of negative student behaviors through effective classroom management and campus management strategies; and (6) model the appropriate behaviors we want students to emulate. Six Bs: (1) Be present; (2) Be on time; (3) Be prepared; (4) Be kind; (5) Believe in yourself; and (6) Do your Best.
Code of Conduct – Part 2 Part 2: Main Portions of the Document Disciplinary Process Discipline Table The Concept of Persistent Misconduct Safe Schools Protocols Law Enforcement Involvement How Administrators and Students Use the Code of Conduct Michael
Disciplinary Process Standard of expectations for students When behavior may trigger discipline consequences General criteria for discipline responses (focused on root cause, address student needs, minimize classroom removal, reasonableness) Michael Standard of expectations for students When behavior may trigger discipline consequences General criteria for discipline responses (focused on root cause, address student needs, minimize classroom removal, reasonableness)
Discipline Table 3 Levels of Response from Classroom, to Support Staff, to Administration No strict matrix equating specific consequences to specific infractions. Traveling up or down the levels is possible Michael
The Concept of Persistent Misconduct Student persistent misconduct is handled through Multi-Tiered System of Support, MTSS, process Team approach looking at root causes Utilizes a behavior plan Can lead to more intensive in-school support services to be provided Michael
Safe Schools Protocols Suspensions limited to those times when a continuing threat is present Continuing threat: forward looking, legitimate, physical harm Suspensions limited in length (1-3 days) Longer than 3 days require safety plan for return as well as academic director review Suspensions of 11-180 days possible in extreme cases. Michael
Law Enforcement Contact (1) when needed to protect the physical safety of students or staff (2) when needed to address criminal conduct by someone from outside the school community (3) when needed to collect illegal drugs (4) as required by Arizona law Matt
How Administrators Use the Code of Conduct Guiding decisions Consistency in protocols Communicating expectations Communicating processes Matt
Parents and students use the Code of Conduct Understand expectations Understand protocols and procedures Ensure appropriate actions are taken Matt
Code of Conduct – Part 3 Part 3: Accountability Data Monitoring Complaint Process School Discipline and School Climate Committee Matt
Questions and Feedback Each member of the audience should have two cards in your possession. The first is for you to submit questions to the presenters. We will do our best to answer the questions in the time we have left. The second card is to write your comments and whether you support or do not support the draft code of conduct. If you prefer to leave your comments electronically, you may do so through the online form in the District’s main website. Please know that your questions and the feedback you provide will be presented to each member of our Governing Board in early April. Abel
Thursday, March 2, 2017 6:00 pm Cholla Magnet High School Auditorium Next Public Forum Thursday, March 2, 2017 6:00 pm Cholla Magnet High School Auditorium Abel
IMPACT Tucson 2.0 What: IMPACT Tucson When: Saturday, April 8, 2017 Where: Palo Verde HS Auditorium/Classrooms/Cafeteria Agenda 8:00am – 8:45am – Registration & Breakfast 8:50am – 9:45am – Opening Session and Keynote (Dr. Macheo Payne) 9:50am – 10:40am – Workshop #1 10:40am – 11:20am – Workshop #2 11:30am – 12:00noon – Closing 12:00 noon – Lunch & Resource Fair Vendors from 11:30am – 2:30pm Abel
Bullying and School Safety Tip Line Abel