Date Due: Friday 17 November (2017) Script to Dropbox Industrial Accidents & Man-made Disasters Group Assignment: News Report Date Due: Friday 17 November (2017) Script to Dropbox G10 SOCIAL STUDIES NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2017
TASK SUMMARY: NEWS REPORT Working in groups of 3 to 4, you are to devise a 5 minute news report, which cover a major industrial accident or man made disaster. The industrial accident or man made disaster, must have the following characteristics: The accident/disaster occurred because “profit” was more important than employee or customer safety. And / OR The accident/disaster occurred because safety procedure or practices were inadequate in the management culture of the company/organization. And / OR People or organizations ignored the long term environmental impact, and were only focused on short term financial objectives/survival.
CHARACTERS FOR THE NEWS REPORT A journalist at the scene of the disaster & or news presenter in the studio. An eyewitness that saw some part of the disaster/accident. An industry expert, commenting on what may have caused the disaster A victim or a relative of a victim that suffered as a consequence of the disaster/accident. Other characters of your choice. Note: One person can play more than 1 role. However, they will need to have a change of outfits/clothes/hat (etc) to signify a different role.
What disasters/ accidents can I select? Every group must do a different disaster/accident. Possible options includes: Bhopal Toxic Gas Explosion: India (1984) Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster: former USSR (1986) Alaska Airlines Flight 261 Crash: California USA (2000) Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig Explosion & Oil Spill: Gulf of Mexico (2010) The Rana Plaza Clothing Factory Collapse: Bangladesh (2013) The Aral Sea Environmental Disaster: Kazakhstan (1970-Today) Tianjin Factory Explosion (2015) Your own choice of topic?
Structure of News Report Your new story should be structured into 2 reports about the same story: Report 1: (3 minutes) You are to assume that you are reporting the news “just as it happened (“breaking news”) or within 24 hours of the event Not all information is known about the cause of the disaster. You should include a regional/world map showing the location of the disaster and appropriate images/pictures/video footage from the scene. Report 2 (2 minutes) This report is about 6 to 12 months after the disaster/accident, when the real cause(s) have been identified. The report should focus on the causes of the accident/disaster and how it could have been prevented. You should also comment on the likelihood/probability of this disaster happening again.
A Script & MLA Bibliography Research Requirements You must present a detailed script, which features in- text citation and MLA Bibliography. You are expected to complete comprehensive research on your topic with 20+ resources (remember this is a group assignment!!) You must show evidence that you actually used all these resources in your script.
Creating Backgrounds/Settings/Locations Your news report should not just be interviews!. Using big pictures/images in Sway or PPT you should try to imagine you are at the scene of the disaster. Eg: Reporters could talk about the ”heat & intensity” of the fire that can feel at the scene A 30 second video extract (real footage) of the disaster/accident can be included in your presentation, but you must create the commentary for the scene. (Volume from the video should be set to zero) so we can hear your commentary.
Costumes/Props and & Resources You must be addressed appropriately for your role (eg: news reporter/journalist: formal suit and tie) You could also use music to assist in the creating of settings, locations, backdrops
Knowledge of Script You are expected to have a very good knowledge of the script. Palm Cards can be used, but will be limited to 1 to 2 only. Reading from a sheet of paper or the computer is unacceptable.
Bhopal Toxic Gas Explosion 1984
Bhopal Toxic Gas Explosion 1984
Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster 1986
Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster 1984
Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster 1984 Source:
Alaska Airlines Plane Crash. 2000. Airline accused of ”cutting corners” – inadequate maintenance procedures. Reports by mechanics suggesting repairs were ignored by a management culture that put “financial objectives” ahead of safety.
Source: http://www. sfgate
The explosion of BP’s Deepwater Horizon Rig – Oil Spill Disaster: The explosion of BP’s Deepwater Horizon Rig – April 20, 2010 Source:
https://www. slideshare