Combined Budget of Awarded Progress report on the 1st Call Results – Awarded (Approved by the EC on 11 April) Work Package (WP) Allocated Budget for each WP No of Applicants No of Awarded Combined Budget of Awarded WP2. Capacity Development of Developing Country NRENs EUR 150K 12 5 EUR 103K WP3. R&E Network Design & Operations and Associated Capacity Building EUR 430K 3 1 EUR 13K WP4. Deployment of Specialized Network Products, Services, Applications and Associated Capacity Development EUR 690K 13 2 EUR 632K WP5. Promoting Research and Education Collaboration for Societal Benefits EUR 670K 20 EUR 745K WP6. Helping to Bridge the Digital Divide in Developing Countries EUR 780K 4 EUR 1037K TOTAL EUR 2,720K 52 EUR 2,530K
Progress report on the 1st Call General Contracting process Meeting of Minds Finalize terms & conditions on budget, Activities, etc. Circulation of a draft of Contract Signing the Contract => If everything goes smoothly, the process can be concluded in 2-3 month.
Six (6) concluded Progress report on the 1st Call Status of Conclusion of Contracts(13 proposals) Six (6) concluded ISOC withdrew its proposal on 10 Aug. due to human resources issue the rest six (6) underway, close to signing Process delayed due to an issue on the maximum amount (60K EUR) of funding provided to successful proposers, Addendum to lift the limitation is under way (possibly up to 700K) However, most of planned proposed activities proceeding as scheduled
Organization(leader) Progress report on the 1st Call Status of Conclusion of Contracts in detail (WP2-3) No Title WP Country Organization(leader) Budget (EUR) Status 1 Capacity Development for AfgREN Network Engineers WP2 AF Manaka Technology Serv. 27,765 Contract signed(5 June) Activity complete(7.22-25) 2 Training for Maintaining Campus Network BD Patuakhali S & T Univ. 9,995 Contract signed(15 June) Activity complete(8.18-22) 3 SecureAsi@: Asi@Connect Security Training MY MYREN 33,390 Contract signed(7 June) Activity planned(10.23-25) 4 CSIRT Asi@Connect and Mini-TRANSITS NL GEANT 17,638 Contract signed(9 Aug.) Activity planned(8.31-9.1) 5 Information and Network Security (and Monitoring) BT MoIC (Ministry) 16,734 Contract signed(27 Aug.) Activity planned(10.16-20) 6 Campus Network Security WP3 University of Dhaka 13,050 Contract signed(8 Aug.) Activity planned(11.26-30)
Progress report on the 1st Call Status of Conclusion of Contracts in detail (WP4-6) No Title WP Country Organization (leader) Budget (EUR) Status 7 TEIN eduroam 2017 WP4 AU AARNET 350,000 Meeting of Minds (budget, Activities, etc.) to take place soon 8 OF@TEIN+: Open/Federated for Future Networks MY Univ. of Malaya 281,860 A draft of Contract delivered(Aug.) – expect to conclude signing by mid-Sep. 9 Establish a Tech-culture Fusion Platforms WP5 KR NEXT 225,655 A draft of Contract delivered(Aug.) – expect to conclude signing by early Sep. 10 Disseminate Telemedicine Across the Beneficiary Countries JP Kyushu Univ. 200,000 A draft of Contract delivered(Aug.) - expect to conclude signing by early Sep. 11 Extending Asian Soundscape Monitoring Network & … TW ASGC 320,119 Meeting of Minds (budget, Activities, etc.) took place on 27 Aug. Soon to deliver a draft of Contract 12 A Pilot Project for Community Based Internet Service WP6 NP ICT4D Nepal 258,750 13 Bridging the Digital Divide in Emerging Countries in Asia US Internet Society 778,534 Withdrawal notice received(10 Aug.)