By Adnan Mahmood Enterprise for All Adnan_mahmood__
Introduction Chief Entrepreneurial Leader Advanced Practitioner National Teacher of the Year Passionate about Enterprise Ex-Police Officer Father Adnan_mahmood__
Exploring enterprise education Introduce the enterprise hub (POD) Objectives Exploring enterprise education Introduce the enterprise hub (POD) Enterprise through projects Adnan_mahmood__
Quote “An entrepreneurial mind-set can empower our learners to accomplish extraordinary things” Adnan_mahmood__
Enterprise Misconceptions What is it? Why bother? Too time consuming Only extra curricular Its only for business students Adnan_mahmood__
Areas Involved Adult Provision Media IT Business Adnan_mahmood__
The Pod Enterprise Hub Designed commissioned by students Supports students with ideas Teaching, learning and assessments Hub for real life briefs Adnan_mahmood__
The POD An Enterprise Hub Adnan_mahmood__
Enterprise through Competitions National Competitions Local Competitions Link to Local SME Classroom Adnan_mahmood__
Enterprise through Competitions Presentation techniques Master Classes Developing a website Design logos Your Horizon project Archant Takeover Edge Competition Pantntrepreneur National Local Classroom Link to SME Adnan_mahmood__
Pantrepreneur Competition National Competition - 18 other colleges Learners to delegate roles Develop a business plan Pitch in the POD 1 team selected for Nationals Have to sell £3,000 worth of Pants Adnan_mahmood__
Finals Raised £4,200 Pitched to director of Pants to Poverty Won National Competition Adnan_mahmood__
Lived with Factory workers and Farmers Prize Flew out to India To see the Cotton trail Lived with Factory workers and Farmers Adnan_mahmood__
Life Changing experience Adnan_mahmood__
Smaller scale projects Metro Bank Challenge Local competitions Cross curricular competition Not everyone will be a winner Adnan_mahmood__
Quote Adnan_mahmood__
In class entrepreneurial activity Encourage presentations in class Develop research skills Set independent work and track Team building exercises Adnan_mahmood__
Team Building Adnan_mahmood__
Impact of Enterprise Education Learners attendance Retention Positive Learner feedback Builds students networks More employable Adnan_mahmood__
Impact Adnan_mahmood__
Inspire young Entrepreneurs Inspire learners to think of ideas Support students with their ideas Network their ideas Adnan_mahmood__
The Edge Challenge Adnan_mahmood__ Adnan_mahmood__
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