Architectural Walking Tour Cossitt Art Appreciation
108 South 8th Ave Peter Groan House Built 1893 Bootlegged FLW home.
108 South 8th Ave Peter Groan House Built 1893 Features Include: Horizontal banding Hipped roof Hipped dormer Earthy color This house originally had a full length front porch, which has been removed
109 South 8th Ave Emmond House Built 1892 Frank Lloyd Wright built this house for a friend while working for Adler and Sullivan. Home sold in 1994, and original house plans were donated to the Frank Lloyd Wright foundation and valued at $20,000. Original Owner: Robert G. Emmond This bootleg house is very similar in plan to the Oak Park Robert Parker and Thomas Gale houses, which were both built around the same time
109 South 8th Ave Emmond House Built 1892 Features Include: Turret Leaded glass windows Gable roof Arched doorway
121 South 8th Ave Orrin Goan Residence Built 1884 Bootlegged FLW home. Recognized as partial FLW home. Provided plans, started the build, walked off the job. Home finished by John Tilden, used FLW plans for first floor, improvised for the upstairs. Tilden went on to build a similar home in Oak Park.
121 South 8th Ave Orrin Goan Residence Built 1884 Features Include: Porte-cochere Ionic columns Dentil molding
201 South 7th Ave
201 South 7th Ave Features Include: Gabled roof Round porch Brackets Lunette/fan-shaped window
300 South 7th Ave Features Include: Clapboard siding Fish scale shingles Diamond shingles Round porch
345 South 7th Ave Stephen Hunt House Built 1907 Original Owner: Stephen M B Hunt Address: The plan of this house is based on Wright's "A Fireproof house for $5,000", published in the April, 1907 edition of Ladies Home Journal. Wright and others who worked with him, notably Walter Burley Griffin and John Van Bergen, used this plan many times – it was an economical plan which was capable of simple exterior variations that created very different looking results. Prairie style. The only true FLW home in LaGrange,
345 South 7th Ave Stephen Hunt House Built 1907 Features Include: Low pitched hipped roof Wide overhanging eaves Broad flat chimney Ribbon windows Stucco exterior Cantilevered porte-cochere Window boxes
344 South 6th Ave
344 South 6th Ave Features Include: Hipped roof Strong horizontal axis Wide overhanging eaves
343 South LaGrange Road
343 South LaGrange Road Features Include: Ionic columns Gambrel roof Dentil molding Double height entry Porte-cochere
211 South LaGrange Road W. Irving Clark House 1893 Original Owner: W. Irving Clark Address: Although this house was previously attributed to E. Hill Turnock, even by Wright himself(!), plans found at Taliesin in the 1960's establish this as a Wright design. This is the first of the La Grange houses, bootleg houses done while Wright was still employed by the firm of Adler and Sullivan. The exterior is in some ways related to Wright's own home in Oak Park, with the dominant front gable with a cross gable; lunette window on the third floor, and entrance between two octagonal bays Designed when FLW worked for the firm of Adler and Sullivan.
211 South LaGrange Road W. Irving Clark House 1893 Features Include: Prominent front gabled roof Leaded glass windows Bay windows Arched doorway