Build Your Own CV Formats (BYOCV)
Why BYOCV? Customize your CV for different audiences No need to maintain separate documents Ability to rename categories
This training will cover: How to access existing formats you created. How to create your own CV format. How to save and load a CV.
Build Your Own CV Formats To create a new CV format, or access existing formats, select Build My CV Formats from the left-hand navigation.
BYOCV – CV Format Editor You can edit an existing format by selecting the icon next to the format you want. Select the icon to permanently delete an existing format. To create a new format, select the icon next to Create New Format.
BYOCV - CV Format Editor: Category List CV Format Details – Allows you to give your format a unique name and description. Filter Criteria: Select a date range for the entries you want to include. Change maximum entries allowed for each category. Change the sort order for the entire CV – Ascending or Descending.
BYOCV - CV Format Editor: Category List Drag and drop desired categories from Available to Active Categories or select the icon. Filter categories – Type in the category you are looking for to narrow results. Add a Group – You can choose to add a group of categories under a heading and rename it, or create your own.
BYOCV - CV Format Editor: Category List Editing Active Categories: Reorder categories the way you would like them to look by dragging and dropping. Remove categories from the list by selecting the icon. Edit Categories – Select the icon to rename a category, change sort order, or remove and reorder entries.
BYOCV - CV Format Editor: Category Options Custom Title – Rename the category to your preferred title. Filter Criteria - Similar to the Category List screen, but changes made are at the category level. Highlight Entries – Select the icon to move entries to the top of the list to sort with other highlighted entries. Select the icon to move the entry back to its default sort order. To hide an entry select the icon.
Save and Load CV To save progress and view the CV you have created, select Save and Load CV.
MBM Information System Support Krista Kendall, CV Project Coordinator 1C 307 School of Medicine Phone: (801) 585-7552 Nikki Thompson, Executive Assistant 1C 331 School of Medicine Phone: (801) 585-0944