Usability Benefits Quiz Lawrence Najjar
Outline User interface, user experience, & usability Usability benefits Usability quiz Prize! Pitney Bowes
Terms Pitney Bowes
What is a ”user interface?” Pitney Bowes
What is a ”user interface?” The way the user interacts with a software or hardware product Includes screens, buttons, hyperlinks, entry fields, graphics, keyboard, mouse Pitney Bowes
What does ”user experience” mean? Pitney Bowes
What does ”user experience” mean? The elements that affect how users perceive a product Includes packaging, ease of use, graphics, response time, installation, product support Pitney Bowes
What does ”usability” mean? Pitney Bowes
What does ”usability” mean? Ease of use of the product Includes familiarity, simplicity, consistency, and intuitiveness Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Usability increases: Usability decreases: Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Usability increases: Company reputation 10, 11 Competitive advantage 2, 7, 14 Ease of use Productivity 5, 7 Revenue 2, 5, 7, 12, 14 User satisfaction 2, 5, 16 User trust 5 Usability decreases: Development time 4, 5, 15, 16 Development costs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 Documentation costs Learning time 2, 5 Maintenance Staff turnover 2, 7 Support costs 2, 5, 12, 16 Training 12, 16 User errors 2, 10 Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 1. What percentage of a software application’s code is for the user interface? 5% 10% 25% 50% Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 1. What percentage of a software application’s code is for the user interface? 5% 10% 25% 50% Inveradi, R. (2005). Software engineering education in the modern age. Software Education and Training Sessions at the International Conference, on Software Engineering, ICSE 2005, St. Louis, MO, USA, May 15-21, 2005, Revised Lectures Myers, B. A. and Rosson, M. B. (1992). Survey on user interface programming. In CHI ‘92 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 195-202. Available: Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 2. What percentage of development time is for the user interface? 5% 10% 25% 50% Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 2. What percentage of development time is for the user interface? 5% 10% 25% 50% Myers, B. A. (1995). User Interface Software Tools, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 2(1), pp. 64-103. Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 3. What is the numeric rank of “user involvement” as a predictor of successful projects? 1st 3rd 5th 7th Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 3. What is the numeric rank of “user involvement” as a predictor of successful projects? 1st 3rd 5th 7th The Standish Group (1995). The CHAOS report [Online]. Retrieved from: Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 4. What percentage of software defects is due to usability errors? 5% 15% 30% 60% Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 4. What percentage of software defects is due to usability errors? 5% 15% 30% 60% Inveradi, R. (2005). Software engineering education in the modern age. Software Education and Training Sessions at the International Conference, on Software Engineering, ICSE 2005, St. Louis, MO, USA, May 15-21, 2005, Revised Lectures Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 5. After making usability improvements on, by what percentage did annual revenue growth increase? 5% 35% 65% 85% Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 5. After making usability improvements on, by what percentage did annual revenue growth increase? 5% 35% 65% 85% Peterson, M. (2007). UX Increases Revenue: Two Case Studies. User Experience Magazine, 6(2). Retrieved from Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 6. After making usability improvements on, by what percentage did e-commerce sales increase? 1% 4% 40% 400% Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 6. After making usability improvements on, by what percentage did e-commerce sales increase? 1% 4% 40% 400% Tedeschi, B. (1999, August 30). Good Web site design can lead to healthy sales. New York Times e-commerce report [On-line]. Retrieved from: Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 7. After making usability improvements on, how much did daily online purchases increase? $1,000,000 $8,000,000 $18,000,000 $35,000,000 Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 7. After making usability improvements on, how much did daily online purchases increase? $1,000,000 $8,000,000 $18,000,000 $35,000,000 Black, J. (2002, December 23). Usability: The ROI in good design. ZDNet. Retrieved from: Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 8. After making improvements on a very, very popular e-commerce site, how much did annual revenue increase? $30,000 $300,000 $3,000,000 $300,000,000 Pitney Bowes
Usability Benefits Quiz Question 8. After making improvements on a very, very popular e-commerce site, how much did annual revenue increase? $30,000 $300,000 $3,000,000 $300,000,000 Spool, J. (2009). The $300 million button. Retrieved from: Pitney Bowes
Summary Usability can increase customer satisfaction & revenue while decreasing development & support costs Pitney Bowes
Prize! Removable, vinyl sticker, 1.5 inches wide x 1.0 inches high Email your name and physical mailing address to: Pitney Bowes
References 1 Barker, D. T. (2000). Cost benefits of usability engineering. 2 Bevan, N. (2005). Cost benefits evidence and case studies. Retrieved from: 3 Boehm, B. (1987). Industrial software metrics top 10 list. IEEE Software, 4(5), 84-85. 4 Bosert, J. L. (1991). Quality Functional Deployment: A Practitioner’s Approach. New York: ASQC Quality Press. 5 Ehrlich, K., & Rohn, J. (1994) Cost justification of usability engineering: A vendor’s perspective. In R. Bias & D. Mayhew (Eds.), Cost-justifying usability (73-110). San Diego: Academic Press. 6 Harrison, M. C., Henneman, R. L., & Blatt, L. A. (1994). Design of a human factors cost-justification tool. In R. Bias & D. Mayhew (Eds.), Cost-justifying usability (203-242). San Diego: Academic Press. 7 Karat, C-M. (1994). A business case approach to usability cost justification. In R. Bias & D. Mayhew (Eds.), Cost-justifying usability (45-70). San Diego: Academic Press. 8 LaPlante, A. (1992, July 27). Put to the test. Computerworld, 27(75). 9 Lederer, A. L., & Prasad, J. (1992). Nine management guidelines for better cost estimating. Communications of the ACM, 35(2) (February), 51-59. 10 Marcus, A. (2005). User interface design’s return on investment: Examples and statistics. In R. Bias & D. Mayhew (Eds.), Cost-justifying usability: An update for an Internet age (17-39). San Diego: Academic Press. Version retrieved from: 11 Mauro, C. (1994). Cost-justifying usability in a contractor company. In R. Bias & D. Mayhew (Eds.), Cost-justifying usability (123-142). San Diego: Academic Press. 12 Mayhew, D. & Mantei, M. (1994). A basic framework for cost-justifying usability engineering. In R. Bias & D. Mayhew (Eds.), Cost-justifying usability (9-43). San Diego: Academic Press. 13 Nielsen, J. (1993). Usability engineering. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann. 14 Rajanen, M., & Jokela, T. (2004). Analysis of usability cost-benefit models. In T. Leino, T. Saarinen, & S. Klein (Eds.), ECIS 2004 Proceedings, 115. Retrieved from 15 Richeson, A., Bertus, E., Bias, R. G., & Tate, J. (2011). Determining the value of usability in Web design. In K-P. L. Vu & R. Proctor (Eds.), Handbook of Human Factors in Web Design (2nd ed.) 753-764. 16 Weinschenk, S. (2005). Usability: A business case. Retrieved from: Pitney Bowes