Sports Lesson Volleyball Teacher-centred Instruction Independent Learning The teacher tells the short story of volleyball, then explains the basic rules of it. The teacher shows the athletic and warm-up exercises with volleyball to the students. The students listen to the presentations of the teacher. Cooperative Learning The students play volleyball together in multinational teams. The students learn to cooperate, to divide tasks, to take responsibility and to be persistent. Project Based Learning The students practice the exercises in pairs and in small groups.
T I C P Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project based 0-5 The teacher introduces herself and her school 5-10 The short (hi)story of volleball 10-15 The teacher explains the basic rules to the students 15-25 The teacher teaches the students some athletic and warm-up exercises with volleyballs 25-35 The students practice the moves they have just learnt individually/in pairs: overhead pass and underarm pass above the head with loosening and strenghtening exercises 35-45 Doing exercises in small groups: practising overhead pass and underarm pass without the net, then over the net 45-55 Doing exercises in pairs: practising service and service reception in pairs without the net, then over the net 55-85 Playing together in multinational teams (5 students/group) in two courts 85-90 Cooling down/relaxation: stretching, relaxing and breathing exercises – individually, following the instructions of the teacher classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Goals of the lesson T I C P Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project Goals of the lesson Realizing that volleyball is a popular sport in all of the participating countries Getting to know the history of volleyball and their basic rules Learning by using the principles of adaptive learning Team building by working together in pairs/in small groups Working together in international teams for a common goal Learning that you should never give up despite the difficulties Developing cooperation, communication and social skills classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Starting Position T I C P Two workshops will take place successively Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project based Starting Position Two workshops will take place successively About 20 Boys and girls per workshop, split into groups later in the lesson Every workshop has a teacher and a student, who helps the teacher to explain the rules by demonstrating what to do The students learn individually, work in small groups and play together In the beginning, the students are not aware of their mutual capacities and talents The students will discover their talents during the workshop by playing and observing At the end of the lesson, the students reflect on working as a team and evaluate the lesson classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P
Conditions of playing T I C P Two volleyball courts in the sports hall Teacher centered Independent Cooperative Project Conditions of playing Two volleyball courts in the sports hall Two volleyball nets, each attached to two pylons At least 21 volleyball balls Small boxes, wall, wallbars Text about the history and the basic rules of badminton 20 students, split into four groups later in the lesson + 2 P.E. teachers classical independent cooperative reflective persevering responsible T I C P