469-399 BC Considered father of Western Philosophy Socrates 469-399 BC Considered father of Western Philosophy
Never recorded any of his thoughts Plato, one of his students, kept his teachings and beliefs alive in his writing documenting Socrates incarceration and eventually his execution.
Socrates Beliefs Wisdom is awareness of own self ignorance, especially through the acquisition of self-awareness and self knowledge Self-awareness and self-knowledge were key to becoming an individual who can think and analyze for himself/herself
Virtues Humility-the quality or state of being humble (not arrogant/proud) Frugality-characterized by or reflecting economy in the use of resources Simplicity-uncomplicated
Quotes “As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.” “False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.” “True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” “Wisdom begins in wonder.”
His Belief Seeking the truth in all things by asking questions and constantly dissecting all viewpoints and ideas Freewheel discussion with the youth of Athens- to discover or expand upon new ideas Questioned everything
Rejected By members of Greece’s government/sophists Forced to make a public apology: but quite the opposite-think for yourself and never accept a statement as truth unless you have truly researched its roots
Death Sentence Drank hemlock-any of several poisonous herbs (as a poison hemlock or a water hemlock) of the carrot family having finely cut leaves and small white flowers Could have escaped but did not Die with dignity
Poison hemlock, allegedly the plant used to poison the Greek philosopher Socrates, is a common sight along Ohio roadsides. All parts of this plant are highly toxic.