Annual General Meeting Council of Members Annual General Meeting 5 September 2017
Professor Dorothy Griffiths Chair
Hardev Virdee, Chief Finance Officer Annual Report and Accounts
Financial Performance 2016/2017 How do we spend our money? Looking Ahead - Challenges
Financial Performance 2016/17 Revenue Spend Target Capital Spend Target Savings Target Cash Balance Target Value for Money Opinion Unqualified Opinion
Financial Performance: Analysis Surplus/(deficit) for the year from continuing operations 2016/17 2015/16 £000 Total operating income from continuing operations 473.9 457.0 Operating expenses (459.8) (458.7) Operating surplus/(deficit) from continuing operations 14.1 (1.7) Net finance costs ( incl PDC Dividends) (8.2) (7.8) Gains/(losses) of disposal of non-current assets 5.5 12.4 11.4 2.9 Underlying Surplus/ ( Deficit) for year vs plan Actual Plan £m Surplus/ (Deficit) -1.0 Gain on sale of Assets -5.5 - STF Funding Core -2.8 STF Bonus and Incentive -6.9 Underlying Surplus/ ( Deficit) for year -3.8
How do we spend our money? 70% on staff 11% on buildings 7% on drugs
Looking ahead - challenges
Andy Mattin, Director of Nursing and Quality Quality – Kingswood Centre and Quality Account
Our Quality Priorities Last year our two key priorities: Patient and carer involvement Staff engagement Both supported by various projects and impact tested using key metrics. We achieved all of the outcome indicators we measured to test whether actions were effective for patient and carer involvement but we didn’t achieve two of the three indicators on staff engagement
75% of staff would recommend the Trust for care & treatment 75% of staff would recommend the Trust for care & treatment. 60% recommend it as a place to work 94% said that they were involved in their care and that helped them achieve the things that matter to them Staff turnover reduced to 16% from 19% but not our target of 15% Over 12 thousand patients gave us feedback
Quality Priorities this year As agreed with you, we’re building on last year’s strong foundations and so our priorities remain the same embedded in our new Clinical and Quality Strategy We will continue to roll out the projects we started and begin some new ones. We will focus on areas the CQC highlighted We will test our impact using patient reported metrics
Implement the Triangle of Care All teams sign up to #HelloMyNameis Implement the Triangle of Care Roll out QI Continue plans to recruit and retain staff Deliver improvements identified by CQC
Improvements we’re making CQC re-inspected our services and rated us GOOD Our key areas for improvement are: Monitoring of physical health after Rapid tranquilisation Reducing restraint and prone restraint Comprehensive risk assessment and personalised care planning SERVICE RATING Adult MH Inpatient services GOOD Older Adult MH Inpatient services Learning Disability inpatient services OUTSTANDING Community MH services REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT
Christine Baldwinson, Trust Secretary Cllr Ketan Sheth, Lead Governor Council of Governors’ Review of the Year
Christine Baldwinson, Trust Secretary Governor Election, Appointment, Resignation and Termination Updates
Claire Murdoch, Chief Executive and Registered Nurse Chief Executive’s Report and Forward View
Robyn Doran Chief Operating Officer Tomorrow’s NHS Today
Professor Dorothy Griffiths, Chair Questions