Dark They Were, and Golden Eyed Short Story vs Radio Play Introduction What are the mediums and what are you comparing? Body Elements How are the plots similar and different? Tell how the characters are presented similar/different Mood compare the mood of each version similar/different Conclusion State which version is more effective
The Iliad vs Troy The Iliad is a narrative poem about the Trojan War in Ancient Greece. They made a movie based on the book called Troy. The poem was written by Homer in 850 b.c. leading to the creation of several movies the latest done in 2004 Troy, which was a blockbuster. The poem and the movie both discuss the main conflict of the Greeks wanting to invade and take over the city of Troy. The reason for the battle is solely based on Agamemnon's greed. However, the Gods stepped in and created a small reason for this to happen and the other Greek kings to support the invasion. The poem goes into great depth of the power struggle between Troy and Greece and why they hate each other but are at peace for the moment. The movie barely touches on these reasons and begins with Hector and Paris in Sparta celebrating their partnership. Then Helen, Menelaus’s wife falls in love with Paris and runs away with him to Troy. The poem goes into great depth on how this came to pass, but the book just breezes through it and make it out to be love at first sight. When the poem explains that it was the gods that created the drama because of their jealousy of Helen’s beauty.
The poem focuses of the relationships between the humans and gods and how they interact with each other. Looking at how greed and power are the driving forces in life. Love and jealousy create war and are ways to have a reason to take over other countries. The climax of the movie is when the Greeks sneak into the city of Troy in a Trojan horse. The army is hiding inside and this is one of the major flaws of the movie as well. Achilles the great warrior was already killed in battle outside of the walls of Troy before the horse was even built. However in the movie when Brad Pitt is the mighty Achilles you pay him to be in the whole movie and they changed to plot so that Achilles was part of the invasion to save his love. Both versions are great with action and emotion. In the poem there is equal time spent on all of the characters and developing their place in the movie. However, in the movie the focus is on the highest paid actors and who they think the movie audience wants to see on screen. The movies focuses on Achilles and his struggle to be a great warrior but wanting to have a family and live out the rest of his life with his new found love. Helen wants to escape a loveless marriage from Menelaus to be with young Paris. Hector the favorite son of Troy wants to ensure the survival of his family and his country. Very little time is spend on Odyssey’s who is the creator of the Trojan horse and the mastermind of the conquering of the city.
The Iliad is written to engage readers into the rich culture and excitement that was ancient Greece. The battles of great armies and the interaction of the gods into human lives. The mood was exciting and adventurous not knowing what was going to happen next and how the gods would strike out against the human. It’s hard for children in the modern time to read the poem since it was written thousands of years ago and in verse form. The movie Troy brings the poem to life in an easy way to understand the battles and puts you right in the middle of the action. I love the feeling and passion in the original poem, the way Homer was able to tell this tale and give such insight to how people work was fascinating. However, you can’t sit with the poem and enjoy an afternoon with action and passion the way you can watching Troy. Unless you’re a huge narrative poem lover, the movie is the way to go…