Air, Noise and Light Pollution 3/08
Air pollution Effects very young and very old most Cause of death – never air pollution Adds to effects of existing diseases such as emphysema , heart disease and lung cancer
Short term effects Usually reversible Cough, irritation of eyes nose Make asthma and emphysema worse
Long term effects air pollution Heart disease, emphysema Occurrence of asthma due to lung damage in young children
Indoor air pollution Indoor air pollution can be worse than outdoors Especially when we seal up our homes to save energy
Indoor Sick Building Syndrome
Asbestos Mineral used in the past for insulation and as a fire retardant Banned in 1970 Cuts and scars lungs
Noise Pollution Unwanted sound Hearing loss has doubled in the US in the last 30 years
12% of teens have permanent hearing loss. Personal listening devices not regulated in US 85 dB for 8 hours maximum safe level
Underwater Noise Pollution Whales and Dolphins very sensitive to sounds over long distances Ships, military sonar, oil exploration , boats and jet skis all disturb communication
Light Pollution No direct hazard to human health. May be tied to sleep disorders and early puberty Energy waste – light into space Avian migration