(Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate) Welcome to Westover December 14, 2014 (Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate)
O Come, All Ye Faithful O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem! Come and behold Him, born the King of angels! 997
O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord! 997 O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!
O sing, all ye bright hosts of heaven above! 997 Sing choirs of angels, sing in exultation, O sing, all ye bright hosts of heaven above! Glory to God, all glory in the highest!
O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord! 997 O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord! O Come All Ye Faithful Public Domain Words : Latin Hymn ascribed to John Francis Wade, tr. Frederick Oakeley, Music by John Francis Wade CCLI# 56321
Mighty God You are the sunshine and I am a candle, You are the mountain and I am a hill;
You are the ocean and I am a river, winding and swirling and never quite still, and never quiet still.
You are a mighty God, Your deeds are so awesome. Mighty God, I stand amazed.
You are so mighty and worthy of praise, You are a mighty God, I worship You only. You are so mighty and worthy of praise,
You are so mighty and worthy of praise,
You are the canyon and I am a crevice, You are the heavens and I am a star;
You are the thunder and I am a whisper, quietly longing to be where You are, to be where You are.
You are a mighty God, Your deeds are so awesome. Mighty God, I stand amazed.
You are so mighty and worthy of praise, You are a mighty God, I worship You only. You are so mighty and worthy of praise,
You are so mighty and worthy of praise, Mighty God © 2001 by Hallal Music, Inc. Words and Music by Ken Young CCLI# 56321
Greet Your Neighbor
You are so mighty and worthy of praise, You are a mighty God, I worship You only. You are so mighty and worthy of praise,
You are so mighty and worthy of praise, Mighty God © 2001 by Hallal Music, Inc. Words and Music by Ken Young CCLI# 56321
Video Announcements
Welcome Kevin Bolton – Scott Warner (Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate)
Everyone needs compassion, love that’s never failing. Mighty to Save Everyone needs compassion, love that’s never failing. Let mercy fall on me.
Everyone needs forgiveness, the kindness of a Savior The hope of nations.
Savior, He can move the mountains. My God is mighty to save Savior, He can move the mountains. My God is mighty to save. He is mighty to save.
Forever, Author of Salvation Forever, Author of Salvation. He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave.
So take me as You find me, all my fears and failures So take me as You find me, all my fears and failures. Fill my life again. I give my life to follow ev’rything I believe in, now I surrender
Savior, He can move the mountains. My God is mighty to save Savior, He can move the mountains. My God is mighty to save. He is mighty to save.
Forever, Author of Salvation Forever, Author of Salvation. He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave.
Shine your light and, let the whole world see Shine your light and, let the whole world see. We’re singing for the glory of the risen King. Jesus,
Shine your light and, let the whole world see Shine your light and, let the whole world see. We’re singing for the glory of the risen King.
Savior, He can move the mountains. My God is mighty to save Savior, He can move the mountains. My God is mighty to save. He is mighty to save.
Forever, Author of Salvation Forever, Author of Salvation. He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave. Mighty to Save © 2006 by Hillsong Publishing (Admin. In U.s & Canada by Integrity’s Hosanna Music) Words and Music by Reuben Morgan & Ben Fielding, Arr. By Ryan Christian & Randy Gill CCLI# 56321
Stronger There is love that came for us. Humbled to a sinner’s cross.
You broke my shame, and sinfulness, You rose again, Victorious.
Faithfulness none can deny. Through the storm, and through the fire.
There is truth that sets me free, Jesus Christ who lives in me.
You are stronger, You are Stronger. Sin is broken, You have saved me.
It is written, “Christ is risen!” Jesus, You are Lord of all.
No beginning, and no end. You’re my hope, and my defense No beginning, and no end. You’re my hope, and my defense. You came to seek and save the lost. You paid it all upon the cross.
You are stronger, You are Stronger. Sin is broken, You have saved me.
It is written, “Christ is risen!” Jesus, You are Lord of all.
You are stronger, You are Stronger. Sin is broken, You have saved me.
It is written, “Christ is risen!” Jesus, You are Lord of all… Stronger © 1999 by Hillsongs Music Publishing (Admin by EMI Christian Music Publishing) Words and Music by Reuben Morgan and Ben Fielding CCLI# 56321
Sharing the Bread
Sharing the Cup
Christ Is Risen Christ is risen from the dead, trampling over Death by death
Come awake, come awake, come and rise up from the grave.
Christ is risen from the dead we are one with Him again,
Come awake, come awake, come and rise up from the grave.
O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?
O church, Come stand in the light; The glory of God has defeated the night, singing,
O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?
O church, Come stand in the light; The glory of God has defeated the night.
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling over Death by death
Come awake, come awake, come and rise up from the grave.
Christ is risen from the dead we are one with Him again,
Come awake, come awake, come and rise up from the grave. Christ Is Risen – Words and Music by Matt Maher and Mia Fields © 2009 Thank You Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) Spiritandsong.com (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) SHOUT! Music Publishing (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) Arrangement © 2011 Bulls’ Pen Music/fearless4you music
Offering Guests, please put your visitors card in the offering tray as it passes your way
Silent Night! Holy Night! All is calm, all is bright Round yon virgin mother and child, 1003
Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace. 1003 Holy infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace.
Silent night, holy night, 1003 Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love's pure light! Radiant beams from Thy holy face,
With the dawn of redeeming grace, 1003 With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth. Silent Night Holy Night Public Domain Words by Joseph Mohr, tr. John F. Young, Music by Franz Grüber CCLI# 56321
At the Name of Jesus At the name of Jesus Ev’ry knee shall bow; Ev’ry tongue confess.
At the name of Jesus ev’ry knee shall bow; Ev’ry knee shall bow at His name.
He is the wonderful couns’lor He is the mighty God He is the wonderful couns’lor He is the mighty God. He is the everlasting Father He is the Prince of Peace.
At the name of Jesus Ev’ry knee shall bow; Ev’ry tongue confess.
At the name of Jesus ev’ry knee shall bow; Ev’ry knee shall bow at His name.
(Men lead, Women follow) There is no other name No name by which we’re saved. The is no other name but Jesus.
At the name of Jesus Ev’ry knee shall bow; Ev’ry tongue confess.
At the name of Jesus ev’ry knee shall bow; Ev’ry knee shall bow at His name.
Ev’ry knee shall bow at His name. Ev’ry knee shall bow at His name! At the Name of Jesus © 1998 Randy Gill Words and Music by Randy Gill CCLI# 56321
Thanks for Being With Us Today!