(Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate) Welcome to Westover January 6, 2013 (Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate)
Get Right Church Get right, church, and let's go home, come on and Westover Hills Version, Different somewhat from the one in the Book, Songs of Faith and Praise 975
Get right, church, you better get right, church, 975 Get right, church, you better get right, church, Come on and Get right, church, and let's go home.
I'm going home on the morning train, well, 975 I'm going home on the morning train, well, I'm going home on the morning train,
I'm going home, well, I'm going home, oh, 975 I'm going home, well, I'm going home, oh, I'm going home on the morning train.
Back back train and get your load, well, 975 Back back train and get your load, well, Back back train and get your load,
Back back train, you better back back train, 975 Back back train, you better back back train, Come on and Back back train and get your load.
Get right, church, you better get right, church, 975 Get right, church, you better get right, church, Come on and Get right, church, and let's go home.
Get right, church, you better get right, church, 975 Get right, church, you better get right, church, Come on and Get right, church, and let's go home. Get Right Church Traditional Spiritual CCLI# 56321
Only the splendor of Jesus. Who Paints the Skies Who paints the skies Into glorious day? Only the splendor of Jesus. Who breaths His life Into fists of clay?
Who shapes the valleys and brings the rain. Only the splendor of Jesus Who shapes the valleys and brings the rain? Only the splendor of Jesus. Who makes the desert to live again? Only the splendor of Jesus.
He is wonderful, He is glorious, clothed in righteousness, full of tenderness, come and worship Him,
He’s the Prince of Life. He will cleanse our hearts in His river of fire.
Who hears the cry of the barren one. Only the mercy of Jesus Who hears the cry of the barren one? Only the mercy of Jesus. Who breaks the curse of the heart of stone? Only the mercy of Jesus.
Who storms the prison and sets men free. Only the mercy of Jesus Who storms the prison and sets men free? Only the mercy of Jesus. Purchasing souls for eternity? Only the mercy of Jesus.
He is wonderful, He is glorious, clothed in righteousness, full of tenderness, come and worship Him,
He’s the Prince of Life. He will cleanse our hearts in His river of fire.
He is wonderful, He is glorious, clothed in righteousness, full of tenderness, come and worship Him,
He’s the Prince of Life. He will cleanse our hearts in His river of fire. Who Paints the Skies? © 1995 Kingsway Thankyou Music (ASCAP) Words and Music by Stuart Townsend CCLI# 56321
Memory Verse Reading
Greet Your Neighbor
He is wonderful, He is glorious, clothed in righteousness, full of tenderness, come and worship Him,
He’s the Prince of Life. He will cleanse our hearts in His river of fire. Who Paints the Skies? © 1995 Kingsway Thankyou Music (ASCAP) Words and Music by Stuart Townsend CCLI# 56321
(Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate) Welcome Kevin Withem (Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate)
Prayer Time
I Will Never Be the Same Again I can never return, I’ve closed the door.
I will walk the path I’ll run the race, And I will never be the same again.
I will never be the same again, I can never return, I’ve closed the door.
I will walk the path I’ll run the race, And I will never be the same again.
Fall like fire; soak like rain. Flow like mighty waters again and again. Sweep away the darkness, burn away the chaff.
And let a flame burn, to glorify Your name.
There are higher heights; there are deeper seas, Whatever You need to do Lord, do it in me!
The glory of God fills my life. And I will never be the same again.
Fall like fire; soak like rain. Flow like mighty waters again and again. Sweep away the darkness, burn away the chaff.
And let a flame burn, to glorify Your name.
I will never be the same again I will never be the same again. I can never return, I’ve closed the door.
I will walk the path; I’ll run the race, And I will never be the same again. No, I will never be the same again. I Will Never Be the Same Again © 1996 Word Music, a div. Of WORD, Inc. (BMI) Words and Music by Geoff Bullock CCLI# 56321
Sharing the Bread
Find in Me thine all in all." Jesus Paid It All I hear the Savior say, "Thy strength indeed is small; Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all." 922
Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, 922 Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.
Lord, now indeed I find Thy power, and Thine alone, Can change the 922 Lord, now indeed I find Thy power, and Thine alone, Can change the leper's spots, And melt the heart of stone.
Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, 922 Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.
I'll lay my trophies down, 922 And when before the throne I stand in Him complete, I'll lay my trophies down, All down at Jesus' feet.
Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, 922 Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow. Jesus Paid It All Public Domain Words Elvina M. Hall, Music by John T. Grape CCLI# 56321
Sharing the Cup
What Can I Do? When I see the beauty Of a sunset’s glory; Amazing artistry Across the evening sky,
When I feel the mystery of a distant galaxy, it awes and humbles me to be loved by a God so high.
What can I do but thank You; What can I do but give my life to You; Hallelujah, hallelujah;
What can I do but praise You; Every day make everything I do a hallelujah, a hallelujah, hallelujah.
When I hear the story of a God of mercy who shared humanity and suffered by our side,
Of the cross they nailed You to, that could not hold You; No You’re making all things new, by the power of Your risen life.
What can I do but thank You; What can I do but give my life to You; Hallelujah, hallelujah;
What can I do but praise You; Every day make everything I do a hallelujah, a hallelujah.
What can I do but thank You; What can I do but give my life to You; Hallelujah, hallelujah; © 2005 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music. Make Way Music (Admin. By Music Services) Words and Music by Paul Baloche and Graham Kendrick CCLI# 56321
Offering Guests, please put your visitors card in the offering tray as it passes your way
Video Announcements
All the whole day through, Sing and Be Happy If the skies above you are gray, You are feeling so blue, If your cares and burdens seem great All the whole day through, 587
587 There's a silver lining that shines In the heavenly land, Look by faith and see it my friend, Trust in His promises grand.
587 Sing and you'll be happy today, Press along to the goal, Trust in Him who leadeth the way, He is keeping your soul;
587 Let the world know where you belong, Look to Jesus and pray, Lift your voice and praise Him in song, Sing and be happy today.
587 Oft we fail to see the rainbow Up in heaven's fair sky, When it seems the fortunes of earth Frown and pass us by,
587 There are things we know that are worth More than silver and gold, If we hope and trust Him each day, We shall have pleasure untold.
587 Sing and you'll be happy today, Press along to the goal, Trust in Him who leadeth the way, He is keeping your soul;
587 Let the world know where you belong, Look to Jesus and pray, Lift your voice and praise Him in song, Sing and be happy today. Sing and Be Happy © 1940, Renewal © 1968 by Stamps-Baxter Music/BMI. Words and Music by Emory S. Peck CCLI# 56321
Sermon Kevin Withem
Mighty God You are the sunshine and I am a candle, You are the mountain and I am a hill;
You are the ocean and I am a river, winding and swirling and never quite still, and never quiet still.
You are a mighty God, Your deeds are so awesome. Mighty God, I stand amazed.
You are so mighty and worthy of praise, You are a mighty God, I worship You only. You are so mighty and worthy of praise,
You are so mighty and worthy of praise,
You are the canyon and I am a crevice, You are the heavens and I am a star;
You are the thunder and I am a whisper, quietly longing to be where You are, to be where You are.
You are a mighty God, Your deeds are so awesome. Mighty God, I stand amazed.
You are so mighty and worthy of praise, You are a mighty God, I worship You only. You are so mighty and worthy of praise,
You are so mighty and worthy of praise,
You are so mighty and worthy of praise, You are a mighty God, I worship You only. You are so mighty and worthy of praise,
You are so mighty and worthy of praise, Mighty God © 2001 by Hallal Music, Inc. Words and Music by Ken Young CCLI# 56321
Thanks for Being With Us Today!