Cooperation between CERN and Norwegian Industries 2017
Norway@CERN (May 2017) 42 participants from 31 companies attended 130 meetings
Industrial Returns (2012 to 2017) * Provisional figures for the year
Suppliers with the highest turnover in 2017 (NO as the country of supplier)
Suppliers with the highest turnover in 2017 (NO as the country of origin)
Suppliers with the highest turnover in 2017 (NO as the country of origin)
Suppliers with the highest turnover in 2017 (NO as the country of origin)
Contract Procedures (2012 to 2017) In average, NO firms are 2.91 more expensive than the bid 1 In average, NO firms are 1.89 more expensive than the bid 1 Note Price Enquiries where only one firm were contacted are excluded