Organoclay Cap Performance
Methods Hexane Extractible Material (EPA 9071B) Surrogate for oil content (85 ± 5% of NAPL extractible) Extractible portions with no NAPL Sediments (<1%) Sands (negligible) Organophylic clays PM-199 (1.25±0.77%) ET-1 (3.5±0.81%) Organic matter (OM)/carbon (OC) content Indicator of organophylic component content of clays PM-199 (34.67 ± 0.22%) OM ET-1 (24.13 ± 0.51%) OM Ranges shown are estimated 95% confidence limits
Hexane Extractible Material Fresh Samples 2.1% ± 1.2% Field samples 2006 ET-1 1.7-6.6% Significant oil capacity remaining correlation with water content 0.76 ±0.46 g/g dry OC 0.61±0.25 g/g dry OC excluding two outliers 2008 ET-1 1.32-5.42% 2009 samples ET-1 1.1-7.9% Conclusions Significant NAPL capacity remaining HEM not a sensitive indicator (but can indicate high NAPL %) Field ET-1 samples exhibit higher and more variable HEM than fresh samples (not seen in PM-199- field and mat samples avg. 1.25%)
Profiles - 2009 WC-01 Intermixing at top HEM normal variations WC-02 HEM slightly elevated Possible lateral NAPL movement?
Organic Matter Fresh Samples 2008 Field Samples 2009 Field Samples ET-1 24.1±0.16% PM-199 34.7±0.07% 2008 Field Samples ET-1 15.9±2.6% (~ half-life 6.7 years) PM-199 32.4±0.37% (~half-life of >30 years) 2009 Field Samples ET-1 16.2±1.7 (~half-life of 8.7 years) Ranges shown are measured standard deviations
Conclusions HEM Organic matter Recommendation Not a sensitive indicator of NAPL Will indicate significant NAPL contamination (>10%) No evidence of NAPL contamination at that level Organic matter ET-1 more variable and showing potential degradation Half-life of 6.7-8.7 years Alternative- rapid reduction initially, more stable now Recommendation Continue organic matter monitoring (extend interval)