member of German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) EU Project visuaLearning 3rd partner meeting Overview on local network Monika Tröster – Bonn/Germany
member of German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) Volkshochschule Eschweiler (Community College) hours per year participants per year 160 teachers/trainers (free lancers) Own field of literacy Reading and writing courses – different levels Literacy programme in cooperation with the employment agency
member of German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) Volkshochschule Bonn (Community College) Well known organisation in Bonn participants per year Head of organisation: very famous within the field of adult education in Germany Target group for visuaLearning: literacy and language courses for migrants Part of a local network (e.g. schools, vocational training providers)
member of German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) berami – berufliche Integration e.V., Frankfurt Beruf – Bildung – Beratung in der Migration (Community College) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (berami – integration into the workplace: Occupation – education – counseling within the field of migration) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Founded in 1990 Tailormade counsellings, trainings and courses Target groups: especially women with migration background Strong cooperation with companies Part of the Learning Region Frankfurt (Network)
member of German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) Experiences with cooperation At the beginning difficulties to involve organisations due to lack of finances and time problems Development of ideas and strategies to motivate them within the project visuaLearning Benefit from existing contacts, partnerships or cooperations Description of advantages: improving knowledge about the subject, learning about the learners, qualifying of teachers/trainers After joining the project: organisations, trainers and learners realize that they benefit from the project
member of German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) Thank you for your attention!