WP5 Chlorophyll a and Nutrients John Icely & Alice Newton IMAR-UALG Portugal ECASA Field Workshop 24th & 25th January 2006 EU contract nº EVK3-CT1999-0002
WHY? Chlorophyll a and Nutrients in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) The implementation WFD includes monitoring water quality. This includes Biological Quality Elements (BQE) and Physico-Chemical Elements (annex V) Biological Quality Elements include Phytoplankton Chlorophyll a is an indicator of phytoplankton biomass, often used as a proxy Nutrients are specifically listed as one of the Chemical Quality Elements
How? Sampling techniques Niskin bottle: Chlorophyll a Nutrients as well as other chemical characteristics O2 POM etc not considered here
Sample treatment Chlorophyll a: filter known volume (1L) through known filter type (Whatman GFF) Store at -5 to -80 ºC Solvent is 90% acetone Nutrients: to filter or not to filter? Depends on turbidity. 0.45μm cellulose acetate (such as Millipore) Glass and Plastic storage bottles (P and N+Si) Store at -5 to -22 ºC
HOW? Laboratory procedures Standard laboratory techniques exist for both Chlorophyll a and Nutrient analyses Chlorophyll a different methodologies: spectrophotometric, fluorimetric, HPLC Propose spectrophotometric method: Widely used. Most labs have the equipment. Affordable. Purpose is quantification not study of pigments. Can also be used for nutrients. Parsons Maita Lalli 1984 Grasshoff , Kremling and Ehrhardt 1999
Simplified lab.method for Chl a. Break up filter and cells in solvent before analysis Centrifuge (or re filter) to remove debris Read absorption at 663 nm and 750 nm before and after acifification
When? Same state of tide (usually low water) Same time of day (usually early morning) Decreases variability Increased risks of water problems Suggest 15 day intervals
Where? Near / below aquaculture (or downstream) Reference “clean” site for comparison
References & Acknowledgements Grasshoff, K., M. Ehrhardt & K. Kremling, 1983. Methods of Seawater Analysis. Verlag Chemie. F R Germany. JGOFS, 1994. Protocols for the joint global ocean flux study (JGOFS) core measurements. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research. Manual and guides. 29: 1-170 . Thanks to Sonia Cristina for preparing the protocols and EU for funding the project.