Activity 2.10: Develop a project pipeline for Employment Actions under the Sector Planning Document for Competitiveness Within activity 2.10 two project pipeline development workshops were organized during July 2016. During these workshops representative of the MLSW have generated following project ideas: Establishing and Enhancing Migration Service Development of Standards of Occupation Youth in the Labor Market Increasing employment through development of vocational skills of the jobseekers Additional project idea was proposed which was developed by MLSW: 5. Development of Integrated Information System of MLSW
1. Establishing and Enhancing Migration Service Project ideas were further developed in project concepts, project idea no 1: 1. Establishing and Enhancing Migration Service Overall objective: To contribute to development of MLSW capacities in providing better services to clients based on their specific needs and creating better conditions on the labour market Specific objective: Contributing in organization and better performance/functionalisation of migration services to jobseekers, employed, pupils, students and repatriated/returnees in the framework of the MLSW by enhancing the capacities of staff who will be dealing with such services through pilot projects on regional level. Main results: Service provision, legal requirements, trends, causes and consequences of in country and outside country migration assessed; Framework for more qualitative and efficient provision of migration services developed on national and regional level; Enhanced capacities of employment counsellors and other stakeholders for provision of migration services; Migration service piloted in 3 Employment Offices (Prizren, Peja, Mitrovica) and evaluated. Target groups: Counsellors from Employment offices and relevant labour market stakeholders connected with migration, Jobseekers, employed, pupils, students and repatriated/returnees
2. Development of Standards of Occupation Project ideas were further developed in project concepts, project idea no 2: 2. Development of Standards of Occupation Overall objective: to contribute to provision of more qualitative and modernised VET programmes for adults i which are in line with labour market needs and raise the competitiveness of adult learners and employability of the unemployed on the labour market. Specific objective: to develop 10 occupational standards and corresponding training programmes which will be prepared following NQF methodology, will be validated by CVET and subsequently implemented by Vocational Training Centres. Main results: Existing VET standards and needs of employers assessed Standards of occupations for selected occupations are developed and validated Curriculum for verified training programmes to be implemented by VTCs are developed New training programmes piloted by VTCs and evaluated Target groups: MLSW employees, VTC employees, NQF employees, Chamber of Commerce, VET schools, unemployed persons
3. Youth in the Labour Market Project ideas were further developed in project concepts, project idea no 3: 3. Youth in the Labour Market Overall objective: To contribute to better employment perspectives of unemployed youth and creation of better labour market conditions in Kosovo Specific objectives: To support integration of unemployed youth in the labour market by rendering services and ALM measures in cooperation with labour market stakeholders on regional and local level Main results: Identified needs and priorities related to youth unemployment Enhanced capacities of local stakeholders in provision of additional adequate measures and services targeting unemployed youth Enhanced perspective of youth employment at local level Target groups: MLSW experts, stakeholders dealing with unemployed Youth, unemployed youth
Project ideas were further developed in project concepts, project idea no 4: 4. Increasing employment through development of vocational skills of the jobseekers Overall objective: Supporting employment and integration to the labour market through active labor market measures at the local level Specific objective: Increasing the skills of jobseekers and employment of the same Main results: Needs of the labor market for identified skills; New and redefined vocational training programs defined based on identified needs; Developed capacities of Public Employment Services for ; Increased readiness of employers to provide on the job trainings; A more channeled carrier guidance service for the jobseekers; Contacting companies directly to actively seek jobs; Jobseekers trained in accordance with the skills in demand by the labor market. Target groups: MLSW experts (including VTC and Employment offices employees, relevant labour market stakeholders)
5. Development of Integrated Information System (IIS) for MLSW Project ideas were further developed in project concepts, project idea no 5: 5. Development of Integrated Information System (IIS) for MLSW Overall Objective: Advanced and Integrated Information System of the MLSW Specific objective: Modernisation of the services through development of Integrated Information System Main results: Functional Methodology for software platform designed and completed. All databases for IIS identified. Advanced and Integrated Databases linked between MLSW and other relevant institutions Increased of skills of IIS users. Improved data for IIS. Increased digitization of documents in ISS. Target groups: Staff of MLSW and the staff of other relevant institutions.
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