8-21-17 Bell Work: What is your definition of the word “music?”
8-22-17 Bell Work: Who is your favorite musician and why do you like him/her the most?
8-23-17 Bell Work: What is one thing you can do to be sure to drop your jaw?
8-24-17 Bell Work: How many beats are in a whole note?
8-25-17 Bell Work: Describe what happens with your lips when you sing an “oo” vowel.
8-28-17 Bell Work: What is the other name for the treble clef?
8-29-17 Bell Work: What are the names of the SPACES of the treble clef?
8-30-17 Bell Work: Why do we stand to sing and why is it important to stand correctly?
8-31-17 Bell Work: What happens to the inside of your mouth when you sing with a “tall Ah” vowel?
9-1-17 Bell Work: What are the syllables of the solfege scale?
9-5-17 Bell Work: How can you tell when you’ve taken a full breath?
9-6-17 Bell Work: Draw a grand staff and include a treble and bass clef.
9-7-17 Bell Work: Which song do you enjoy most so far and why?
9-8-17 Bell Work: Draw a grand staff, include a treble and bass clef, 4/4 time signature and divide it into four measures.
9-11-17 Bell Work So far, what questions do you have about this class?
9-12-17 Bell Work With which song do you need the most help?
9-13-17 Bell Work List the letters of the music alphabet.
9-14-17 Bell Work In your opinion, which of our warm ups is the most beneficial, and why?
9-15-17 Bell Work Write down something you appreciate about yourself.
9-18-17 Bell Work What are the two most commonly used clefs?
9-19-17 Bell Work Describe the mood/your interpretation of the story in one of our songs.
9-21-17 Bell Work Pick another piece we are singing and describe its mood and your understanding of the lyrics.
9-22-17 Bell Work Write down something kind about a classmate.
9-22-17 Bell Work What is tough right now in choir and how can I help?
9-25-17 Bell Work What does mezzo piano mean?
9-26-17 Bell Work What will help create a fuller sound?
9-27-17 Bell Work What is a crescendo?
9-28-17 Bell Work What vowel sound do we use to end words?
9-29-17 Bell Work What is the muscle that allows our lungs to expand?
10-3-17 Bell Work List one highlight from your weekend.
10-4-17 Bell Work What does a flat do?
10-5-17 Bell Work What does a sharp do?
10-6-17 Bell Work In what part of choir can you push yourself more?
10-9-17 Bell Work With which song do you need the most help?
10-10-17 Bell Work What does forte mean? Write the abbreviation as well.
10-11-17 Bell Work What is the Italian word for ff and what does it mean?
10-12-17 Bell Work What does piano mean? Write the abbreviation.
10-13-17 Bell Work What is the Italian word for pp and what does it mean?
10-16-17 Bell Work Which vowel shape that we sing is the most confusing for you?
10-17-17 Bell Work What does mezzo forte mean? Write the abbreviation.
10-18-17 Bell Work How does dropping your jaw help our sound?
10-19-17 Bell Work
10-20-17 Bell Work As we are now halfway through the semester, what questions do you have?
10-23-17 Bell Work What note gets two beats in music?
10-24-17 Bell Work What note gets four beats in music?