2016 Fall Institute Cohort 6 @TLESUFS Join the Success Partners Facebook group to stay up to date on the latest Success Partner news and events. Log In to Facebook Search "Success Partners-Step Up For Students" Click "Join Group" Follow Us on Twitter @ TLE- StepUp4Students for 'ALL THINGS TLE' @TLESUFS
Review Agenda Review of Fullan’s 3 Keys to Maximizing Impact 2 Professional Learning Standards critical to the Principal as the Lead Learner Learning Design Resources in Professional Learning Success Partners Module 1.3 – Examining Our School Environment Module 1.4 – Parent Expectations: A Demonstration of Two-Way Communication Next Steps & Closing Moves
Review Norms Acknowledge one another as equals. Speak and Listen from the heart. Expect it to be messy at times What is said stays, what is learned leaves. Trust the process. Monitor equity of participation. Assume goodwill Be present. Have Fun!
Parking Lot Questions Concerns Ahas! Suggestions
Icebreaker Team Birthday Line Up Fall in line side-by-side according to Month & Day of your birthday Do so WITHOUT speaking
Change Competencies Challenges the status quo. Builds trust through clear communication and expectations. Creates a commonly owned plan for success. Focuses on team over self. Has a sense of urgency for sustainable results. Commits to continuous improvement for self. Builds external networks and partnerships. Lyle Kirtman in Principalship pg. 128
Fullan’s 3 Keys Activity 1: Can anyone remember any of Fullan’s 3 Keys to Maximizing Impact that we covered in our Summer Institute? How have you related to these in your current work?
The Principal’s New Role Leading Learning System Player Agent of Change One who moves people and organizations forward under difficult circumstances. One who contributes to and benefits from the increased performance of the others schools in the district and of the system as a whole. One who models learning and shapes the conditions for all to learn.
Fullan’s 3 Keys Activity 2: Review of the Reference Guide for Professional Learning Standards
Leadership Component The role of Learning Design and Resources in professional learning and how they will support us as we lead the learning within our own school community.
These Professional Learning Standards make explicit that the purpose of professional learning is for educators to develop the knowledge, skills, practices, and dispositions they need to help students perform at higher levels.
The standards are not a prescription for how education leaders should address all the challenges related to improving the performance of educators and their students. Instead, the standards focus on one critical issue -professional learning.
Learning Design Activity 1: Learning Forward: Learning Design Article Text Rendering protocol
Learning Design Activity 2: Group discussion Group 1 – Factors that Influence Decisions About Learning Designs Group 2 – Common Features of Effective Professional Learning Group 3 – Various Forms of Professional Learning
debrief Can anyone share something that their group realized in their discussion? Any Ahas!? Something you didn’t think about? Does anyone want to share what their “ideal picture” of professional learning looks like in their school? What improvements do you need to make in order to move toward effective professional learning in your school? Personally and Professionally. What improvements do your staff members need to make?
https://www. youtube. com/watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIdIHnH- rkM&list=PLG4LE4_x42j83aOKspdRNjY_lPMeRJdEt&index=54
debrief Can anyone share an experience from personal effective professional learning and how it has changed the way you think as the Leader of Learning in your school? How can we make the connection between making the change in the way we think about professional learning and our students’ achievement?
Resources Professional Learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all students requires prioritizing, monitoring, and coordinating resources for educator learning.
Resources Video Learning Forward Author: What?: Key Points So What?: What are the implications of the article? Now What? What will I do differently as a result? Resources Video Learning Forward
Shoulder Partners What were some of the key points you noticed? Do you see any similarities to private school education? What were some of your questions this video raised in your mind? How would you summarize what they were trying to say?
Resources Video Learning Forward Author: What?: Key Points So What?: What are the implications of the article? Now What? What will I do differently as a result? Resources Video Learning Forward
Chalk Talk How can I use my resources to ensure my professional learning changes teacher behavior resulting in student achievement? Silent Conversation
debrief What does prioritizing for professional learning look like in any school? What will I have to be intentional about with my staff’s professional learning?
Success Partners Modules 1.3 & 1.4
What successes or challenges did you have with modules 1.1 & 1.2? 1.1 Looking Within: Understanding the Purpose of Parent-School Partnerships Staff Surveys Begin with the End in Mind Compass Points 1.2 Thinking Differently about Parental Engagement Evaluate current and past school partnership activities Article on Parent Engagement vs. Involvement New structures and processes for engaging parents
Module 1.3: Examining our school environment Activity 1: School Walkabout
Cohort 6 Winter Institute Mark your calendar for February Institute Dates Tampa Bay – Feb. 13 Broward – Feb. 14 Miami – Feb. 15 Orlando – Feb. 16 Jacksonville – Feb. 16 Port charlotte (SW FL) – Feb. 17 https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Cohort6Winter2017