Oklahoma’s Natural Resources Coach Brown’s Oklahoma History
Red Dirt or Port silt loam soil is great for ______________ Soils
Alfalfa _______ Cotton Great Ranges Crops
Dust Bowl Facts Dust Storm 1930’s Extreme Droughts 1935 – _____________ What States were effected by this? Dust Bowl
Two Zones Humid Eastern Woodlands Dry Western Grasslands Vegetation
Eastern Woodlands Dense Thicket 5 – 30 miles 20 percent forested or _____________________ 140 __________________ What are 4 types of trees in Woodlands? What is the State tree? Many recreation places Eastern Woodlands
Grasslands Types of grass Bluestem _______________________ Grama grass What did the early settlers have to do? Grasslands
Mineral Resources Oil and Natural Gas – __________ Coal – _____________ Nonfuel Minerals Salt Mineral Resources
Oil and Natural Gas Facts Oil rig First produced in 1882 1st well near Bartlesville in 1897 1905 – Tulsa _______ ________. Ranks in top 6 states in oil production – _______ barrels a day Oil and Natural Gas
Coal Facts Coal Early Indians dug by hand All in the Eastern Part of the Sate What towns is coal produced. Coal
Nonfuel Minerals Metals are not mined in Oklahoma in recent years Zinc, Lead, Manganese, and Iron were mined “Grey Gold” is _______________ Where is it located? Nonfuel Minerals
Salt Facts Salt Mine Northwestern state has Salt plains Eastern – Salt Springs During Civil War it became scarce. Salt
Water in Oklahoma
Waterways ___ rivers and streams __ major reservoirs Hundreds of lakes and ponds 78,578 miles of waterways 1930’s – US Army Corps of Engineers, US Bureau of Reclamation and the Grand River Dam Authority Two Major Rivers – ______________________ What rivers feed into Arkansas and Red Rivers? Waterways
Arkansas Red River Major Rivers