Of Mice and Men
Journal Write: The American Dream When you hear the phrase “The American Dream,” what do you think of? Be specific. What are your dreams for your future when you are an adult? Are they similar to “The American Dream”? Do you think everyone in this country has the same shot at “The American Dream”? Why or why not?
Four Corners: The American Dream Anyone can achieve the American Dream if they work hard.
John Steinbeck: Voice of America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaKy4hcb7kY
Check out books Get a copy of Of Mice and Men from the back table and bring it to me. Tell me your student ID number, and I will check out the book to you. Write your name/my name/room 201 at the top of the inside front cover Mary Smith/Hollands/room 201 Browse the book. For example: look at the front cover read the back cover read the biography of John Steinbeck on the first page browse through random pages
Of Mice and Men audiobook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtPyLB9jBC0
Chapter 1 Reading Read the rest of chapter 1 carefully and actively. In your logbook: Write down 5 quotes that you think are particularly interesting or significant in chapter 1. Underneath each quote, write “This makes me think that…” and complete the sentence. Be ready to take a quiz on Chapter 1 on Thursday! Don’t read ahead!
Chapter 2 Character Posters Create a neat, colorful, visually appealing poster for your character. Include the following on your poster: Character’s name Drawing of character (face or full body) Drawing of an object that could symbolize them A quote that the character says, with page # and an explanation of what that quote reveals about them (“This shows that…”) A second quote that is either a description of the character, something that the character does, something that another character says about them, or a second thing that the character says, along with an explanation (“This shows that…”) Something that the character seems to want
Character Poster Presentations Approximately 5 minutes Explain everything on your poster – don’t just read it, TALK TO US EVERYONE must present
Chapter 3 Questions Why did George stop playing jokes on Lennie? Why doesn’t Candy want Carlson to shoot his dog? Why does Candy want to join George and Lennie in buying their own place? Why does Curley fight Lennie? Why does Curley agree not to fire George and Lennie?
Chapter 5 Assignment Label the next page in your logbook “Chapter 5 Assignment” As you are reading chapter 5 write down: Three important things that Curley’s wife says Two important things that Lennie says One important thing that George says Below each quote, complete the sentence “This shows that…” Focus on the characters’ dreams, what has happened to their dreams, etc. One question you have or one prediction about what will happen next
OMM Discussion Questions Write these questions in the center circles (one on each side): Should George have shot Lennie? Could George and Lennie’s dream ever have come true? Brainstorm reasons Yes and reasons No for each question, and write these reasons down. Try to come up with at least 3 reasons for each side of each question. When you’re ready, write down your conclusion for each question. Put a star next to your most compelling reason. If you don’t finish in class, you must finish for homework. Tape in logbook and add to assignment log.